Chicks at TSC


13 Years
Aug 12, 2009
BuCo, KS
My Coop
My Coop
I stopped in at TSC the other day and they had chicks. A bin of "assorted pullets" that I could tell were Red Sexlinks and Rhode Island Reds. There was also another bin of "assorted pullets" that I wasn't sure on the breed. About half were solid black (i.e., not like Australorps or BR's that have a little yellow on them - these were ALL black) and then some little chipmunks. The chipmunks did not have the puffy cheeks of EE's but I know there are other breeds that start out looking like chipmunks too. I am curious what breed was in that second bin. I believe Privett supplies our local TSC but the Privett website does not detail what breeds they offer. And the TSC employees had no clue.

I've never seen a Black Sexlink - do those chicks start out all black? And what other breeds start out looking like chipmunks?
I think McMurray hatchery shows pics of babies on their website, maybe that will help.
Thanks! I didn't know about the online catalog - that's pretty cool. I didn't see any chicks that were solid black but did narrow down the chipmunks to leghorns or Dark Cornish.... Anyone else with an idea of what the solid black chicks might be?
Yes, Black sexlinks are usually all black... some may have a patch of reddish around the face, too.
Most generic hatchery EEs look chipmunk colored when they hatch. They could lay green or brownish eggs.
If they have feathered feet, they could be partridge cochin... but probably EE.
BSL will usually have a little white on them. Typically on the underside and wing-tips. The males will have a white spot on the top of their head.
TSC does sell both BSL and Australorps.

Last year at our local TSC, they sold BSL as "straight run". Well, since I knew what they were, I just picked out all the females I wanted and got them for the straight run price
Very nice! So, with sex links you you can tell sex by color, right? Just so I know in the future, what's the differences in color between male/female BSL?
They look almost exactly the same. However, the males will have a white spot on the top of their head whereas the females' head will be all black.
Be careful not to confuse them with barred chickens such as Barred Rocks as their color patterns are almost exactly the same as the male BSL. All Barred Rocks will have the white spot, even the pullets.
The only way I knew they were BSL is because half had the spot and half didn't. If 100% of them had the spot, they would probably have been Barred Rock, which TSC also sells.
Well done, indeed!! If the store doesn't know what they have I do not feel it is up to me to point out their error. Great deal

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