chicks & bugs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
My chicks are now about two weeks old. How fun this is! I do believe one of my three Barnevelders has turned out to be a Welsumer! I'm amazed by how quickly the Barnevelders and mystery (Welsumer?) chicks are growing... especially in comparison to the Wyandotte and Silkie.

So my question is this: do this age of chicks need to be de-bugged? They peck and poke, not only at themselves but each other as well. I don't know if this is just normal behaviour or a sign of mites or something. When my dog or cat act this way, I know they've picked up a flea or two.

If I need to do something about it... what do I do?

I have them in the kitchen in a large crate, and clean it out every morning.


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