Chicks/ducklings with intestines out?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 10, 2010
I've been reading a lot of stories about chicks and ducks hatching with their intestines etc outside of their body... and was wondering whether this is really common... I've hatched chicks before and its never happened to me. Sorry if this is a stupid question
Its just a really scary thought. I think I'm just preparing myself for possible problems. Thanks!
I have hatched hundreds of chicks and only had one incident where a Polish hatched with its brain outside of its skull! It was very distressing as I had to cull it of course, but it was amazing that it got its self out of the egg. None of the ducklings I have hatched have ever had any incidence of this.
Woah, i think thats definitely worse than intestines
it really is amazing it managed to get out.. thats reassuring about the ducklings though, thanks for sharing
it seam like i get this problem wne the chick tries to hatch for more than 24 hr's... I need help here, have a baby that is bleeding, all i can think to do is to keep it warm, any suggestions? i do need to keep a closer eye on my hunidity, this yr i have had 5 babies crack the shell and 3 live, last yr it was one crack the shell and not come out and another healthy bird, this is my second attempt at hatcking, have more in the incubator as potential babies

any suggestions? i gave it a paper towel blanky, and dont know what to do

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