Chicks dying, not sure why.

Counting chickens

6 Years
Jan 2, 2018
South of Waco...
Not sure what is going on.
I normally order from ideal, as they are close, and I get the chicks the next day.
Unfortunately, they're booked until may.
Ordered from McMurray, got them in 2 days. Lost one in transit, no biggie. Got them Thursday and I've been losing 1 -3 per day. Today is Monday and I lost 2 overnight.
Plenty of food water room and heat.
Weird! My Murray McMurray orders are always great. I've never lost a bird. Could you please send a picture of your setup and explain any symptoms you may have noticed
ya know heat is really over rated.. in the '60's when we went to gamma's farm the chicks were great in the coop thats open to the field. i have let 3 broods over the yrs do the chicks by them selves never interrupted nature. always healthy . when i get from running's i never start out at 90+ degrees. and feed table food and adult chicken food.

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