Chicks feathering... young?


8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
I recently got the cackle hatchery hatchery special, and the chicks are 4 days old.
They seem like they're getting their wings so soon. All different breeds.

I have 6-2 week old Australorps that are just barely getting their feathers.
All on the same food, and water (obviously) kept in the same kind of setups. Not together..

Here are some pictures, not the best, they were taken with my phone.

ETA: it will only let me upload one for some reason... but at least 80 % of my babies are starting to get wings like this.
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We just got our chicks Monday so they are 4 days old and some of then are getting a ton of wing feathers. It's our first round with chicks and I was surprised how fast they are coming in
. This pic is of Percy our bantam Easter egger
None of the other chicks I've had this year or past years have feathered so fast.
How strange. Since it's our first time with chickens we have no idea what to expect when it comes to feathering. I'm curious if others are feathering in this early?
it seems to me that the bigger the brooder the faster they mature and get they can run and flap till tired and sleep and do it again..jeff

my chicks are in 2nd week 1 of them can really fly and rest are already shaping up wings fast
It's at least partially genetic. I had a speckled Sussex pullet in with my easter egger chicks and the Sussex took *much* longer to feather. One of the EEs was covered save the area under the wings at three weeks. Fastest growth I'd ever seen, too. Now, I do brood outdoors and the chicks have access to cold air and free choice, quality chick feed. I've heard all of that can make a difference, too. But, just seeing how much difference there was in chicks kept in the exact same conditions was interesting.

Here's the hyperspeed gal at two weeks:
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She sure is feathered! If mine keep it up they'll look like that in 2 weeks also!
My chicks that are in an outdoor brooder can go outside if they want, on the warmer days I leave the door open which goes in a secure small pen. They however, are about 2 weeks and are just starting to get feathered! Where the ones in my basement are already feathered!

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