Chicks finally OUT!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
My girls have been out of the laundry room and their brooder for almost a full week now! It is so nice being able to do laundry without a huge tub in the way and I have to say, I love not having to constantly clean a messy brooder! It really was time to get them out...they were getting so big and their feathers were coming in very nicely...AND they were really starting to make a huge mess in their brooder

We got our chicks at about 2-3 weeks old and since the weather is very nice here in Arizona, we started letting them roam outside at about 4 weeks with close supervision. They LOVED being outside. They would complain when we scooped them up to put them back in the brooder, but I had a feeling it was still too cold at night to leave them out considering they still had that adorable baby chick fuzz on their necks at the time, that and the coop was still being finished.

Now the coop is done and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out! The girls absolutely love it! They have a large area to run around, a sand box for dust bathing, a small outdoor roost that they enjoy, and best of all, a big hen house equipped with a nice roost and plenty of space to stretch out and snooze during the day.

My husband is truly an amazing guy...he came up with the plans, built everything (except for the outdoor roost, which I made...pretty much by myself...okay...he made that too, but it was MY idea), and he set up a very nice water system. My dad came over to see it and he was blown away by the coop! Even my silly dog wanted to try to move in.

Anyways, this was just me wanting to express how happy I am to have my chickies OUT of my laundry room and in an amazing coop that they really seem to love. Can't wait for them eggies to start coming!
My girls have been out of the laundry room and their brooder for almost a full week now! It is so nice being able to do laundry without a huge tub in the way and I have to say, I love not having to constantly clean a messy brooder! It really was time to get them out...they were getting so big and their feathers were coming in very nicely...AND they were really starting to make a huge mess in their brooder

Lots of work to keep them clean, I know the feeling!

We got our chicks at about 2-3 weeks old and since the weather is very nice here in Arizona, we started letting them roam outside at about 4 weeks with close supervision. They LOVED being outside. They would complain when we scooped them up to put them back in the brooder, but I had a feeling it was still too cold at night to leave them out considering they still had that adorable baby chick fuzz on their necks at the time, that and the coop was still being finished.

Now the coop is done and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out! The girls absolutely love it! They have a large area to run around, a sand box for dust bathing, a small outdoor roost that they enjoy, and best of all, a big hen house equipped with a nice roost and plenty of space to stretch out and snooze during the day.

Sounds wonderful and you know that we need pics!

My husband is truly an amazing guy...he came up with the plans, built everything (except for the outdoor roost, which I made...pretty much by myself...okay...he made that too, but it was MY idea), and he set up a very nice water system. My dad came over to see it and he was blown away by the coop! Even my silly dog wanted to try to move in.

You are teasing us without pics lol!

Anyways, this was just me wanting to express how happy I am to have my chickies OUT of my laundry room and in an amazing coop that they really seem to love. Can't wait for them eggies to start coming!

You'll have to be patient it may take awhile for the eggs yet. I'm so happy to read such a positive post..and don't forget ..Images of all this would be great! :)
I got my coop pics and some pics of my girlies up in the coop plan section of the forum

I'll have to get some good pictures of the water system since I didn't really show much detail of it in the coop pictures.

I also got pictures up of my 2 new chicks that I just got today! Buff Orpington and Silver Laced Wyandotte!

Hubbs peeks into the coop everyday and asks the girls, "where are the eggs?"
I keep telling him, it'll be a while!

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