Chicks First Bath


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Syracuse, NY
If you had told me a year ago that I'd be giving a chicken a bath I just can't even imagine what i would have replied!

Lil' comet had pasty butt. She was trying so hard to poop but nothing was happening so I gave her a warm bath and got the poop soft enough to pick it off without hurting her. I cuddled her in a towel for a bit and then blow dried her. She actually laid back in my hand for her blowdry and when I tried to return her to her sisters she didn't jump off my hand and back into her crate like usual, but just settled into my hand. I think I have a new best friend!

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Glad it worked out. I was paranoid about the pasty butt issue with my first chicks but luckily only one of them had a minor issue with it one day and her vent didn't get blocked.

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