Chicks meeting the chickens


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2020
West Texas
So I have 4 11 week old Wyandotte’s. 1 appears to be a rooster. My 3 Easter Egger pullets are 6 weeks old and too big for the baby coop I use as a brooder.
so my husband made a tiny chicken tractor to put in our run to start introductions! Neither group is fluttering around or making loud noises so that’s a good thing, right? This is my first go at doing anything like this so I’m not sure what signs to look for.


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Love your screen name :gig
Actually they are all still chicks. ;)

That's a great start!
You could lift the tractor just enough for chicks to get out and in but the bigger birds not get in. They are so close in size tho that might not work.
Leave them in there 24/7 for a week or so, then try letting them out.

Here's some tips about.....
Integration Basics:
It's all about territory and resources(space/food/water).
Existing birds will almost always attack new ones to defend their resources.
Understanding chicken behaviors is essential to integrating new birds into your flock.

Confine new birds within sight but physically segregated from older/existing birds for several weeks, so they can see and get used to each other but not physically interact.

In adjacent runs, spread scratch grains along the dividing mesh, best if mesh is just big enough for birds to stick their head thru, so they get used to eating together.

The more space, the better. Birds will peck to establish dominance, the pecked bird needs space to get away. As long as there's no copious blood drawn and/or new bird is not trapped/pinned down and beaten unmercilessly, let them work it out. Every time you interfere or remove new birds, they'll have to start the pecking order thing all over again.

Multiple feed/water stations. Dominance issues are most often carried out over sustenance, more stations lessens the frequency of that issue.

Places for the new birds to hide 'out of line of sight'(but not a dead end trap) and/or up and away from any bully birds. Roosts, pallets or boards leaned up against walls or up on concrete blocks, old chairs tables, branches, logs, stumps out in the run can really help. Lots of diversion and places to 'hide' instead of bare wide open run.
Good ideas for hiding places:
Let us know how it goes. I currently have 4 6 week old barnyard mixes and going to pick up 3 more pullets today because 2 of my 4 are cockerels and i will have to rehome them. Mine will be ab the same age difference when i introduce them so i am curious. Thanks!
Thanks so much for the info! Ive been reading like crazy how to do this since the Easter eggers came home 😆
the Wyandotte’s, while curious are mostly going about their normal routine in the run and occasionally checking in on the newbies. It was a bit sad when the they went up to the coop last night and the Eggers were just peeping looking for them! (As a note, they do have a little box in there now as a “coop” of sorts so they aren’t just in the open at night

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