Chicks not going into the coop at night


Apr 15, 2022
I KNOW this has been discussed but please help. I had 9 chicks killed by a predator, probably a dog. Reinforced the run and built a new coop. Got 10 more chicks. One was killed by a snake..the snake has been removed and every tiny hole in the coop closed. The chicls are approx 3 months old, are happy in the run all day. They huddle together at night but refuse to go into the coop. I pick them up and put them in. Now my 3 adult hens are going to sleep on top of THEIR coop (separate from the chicks. ). They had been going inside for weeks. I've cleaned the coops, put in night lights to guide them in, put food and water inside. This is driving me crazy! They hang out in the coops during the day, just not at bed time.
How hot and humid is it there? Do your coop have good ventilation?

+1. What came to my mind, also. Recommend OP add your geographical location to your member icon. Might get more targeted answers to your concerns from someone who deals with your climate.

Now my 3 adult hens are going to sleep on top of THEIR coop (separate from the chicks. ).

Sounds like your coop is not comfortable for your birds. Maybe post a picture of your setup so people can offer more suggestions.
The coop is large, wooden, with a window and door covered with hardware cloth and screen. Many perches for roosting. Lots of room. My three adult hens love it. They stay in a separate coop at night, a prefab smaller coop. When the chicks are grown I plan to have them all just choose which coop they prefer but the 3 adults still bully the other 9 right now so they sleep separately. They are in the big run together all day.
+1. What came to my mind, also. Recommend OP add your geographical location to your member icon. Might get more targeted answers to your concerns from someone who deals with your climate.

Sounds like your coop is not comfortable for your birds. Maybe post a picture of your setup so people can offer more suggestions.
They hang out in the coops during the day, seem to love them. Just the bedtime routine is not working. My first flock went in after only 2 days and were never a problem. I don't get it.
Location. Pictures.
Did your adult hens change their behavior on the day you added the youngsters? On the first truly hot day? It can help to pinpoint when in order to figure out the what.
Mine are the same way, slept in the coop every night until something ate half my flock, now I have to catch them every night and put them inside. I picked up a new mature rooster the other day who has no issues sleeping in the coop, he beds down in a nesting box. The original birds wont go near the thing at night unless I make them.
Try catching them for a few nights until they understand that they are supposed to go into the coop to roost at night.
Pick up their food and water a couple of hours before bedtime. Before it is dark, when there is still light in the coop, put their food and water in there. If the won't go in, shoo them in there and close the door. Get up early and let them out.

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