Chicks pecking each other while hatching


6 Years
Nov 16, 2013
I'm sure this is a stupid question, but is it normal for chicks to peck at each other while hatching? Last hatch the first chick to hatch pecked at the other eggs while they were pipping/zipping, and then after they hatched. The chicks that were pecked made noises like they were hurt. I eventually removed the first chick when the ones that were pipped hatched and I had no other eggs pipped. What advice can ya'll give me for my next hatch? I am on day 20.
I had the same experience last year with my first hatch, an the first chick to hatch, it turned out to be a rooster...:) Anyway the others that hatched did not seem to be injured and made it through just fine. I did have a drawn out hatch, otherwise, I think if they had hatched closer together there would not have been that going on? Only a thought. I hope you the best of this hatch.

Thanks! :) The first chick that hatched was pecking into the other eggs that were zipped enough that he could reach into and peck the flesh of the chick trying to hatch. He especially went for their eyes. My first hatch was also staggered. First chick about twelve hours before the next two, etc. I hope these guys all hatch closer together.
That was the same for us. I risked opening the bator with one pipped to remove the first ones. It too made it just fine but I would not risk it again.
I had to remove the baby chick that hatched 24 hours before the others. It was pecking the eyes of a newly hatched one and pecking at the one trying to hatch. I know how chickens can be so decided better be safe and get it out of there.

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