Chicks should be at the feed stores soon.

I didn't even ask when I was at TSC today!
The local feed store sells Mt Healthy chicks. You can put in an order or individual chicks from what they bring in.

I really do hate the 25 minimum most hatcheries have. But I think I will be getting most of mine from local people.
Note to some of you guys.

We have sevral feedstores that don't sell all the chicks right away. Right now in Baton Rouge their is a store selling "rhode island red" chicks. They are selling for $2 each, the chicks are probably 12 weeks old.

I stopped by ours the other day and asked if it would be possible for them to add an order for a few of this and a few of that to their usual PLAIN JANE order of RIR or BR.

They were surprised and confused by such a request! Who would want something different?

Shame on me, I should of known the rule about one type of chicken for everyone .
I'm really pleased with the feed store I found this past October. I'd been frequenting the most local one for months for pet food and information about the chicks I knew they sold (I saw 'em all spring and summer!) but they stopped selling in September. I planned to order from a hatchery (MPC) but a co-worker said, "This is Sacramento, there are feed stores all over! Call around, see if there are any that still have chicks."

Good idea - and that's how I ended up with my very first chickens - in chick form - on October 2, 2009. That feed store has the big troughs with "hens," "roosters" and "straight run" chicks of at least 10 breeds. (It's why I have six different breeds in my 7 chickens, obtained over four separate trips, when I had to replace a chick or increase my original idea of "only four.") Zillions of chicks!!! Oh, be still, my beating heart.

But they don't carry Welsummer. (The feed store uses Belt Hatchery.) The manager said she would like to get them, and will ask again this year.

That OTHER feed store ONLY carried EE - labeled Amereucana, of course - plus Barred Rocks and RIR. With an occasional other one or two breeds, catch as catch can. So to speak.
Alamo hay and grain has chicks year round for $2.50. Lots of nice breeds. They change weekly. The owner says he sells 300 chicks a week starting in the spring but they do stock year round.
I dropped by my local feed store yesterday to buy some feed and found out that their first chick arrival dates are: Feb 26 and March 4

You all have encouraged me to get more
my Dominiques are 40 weeks old today and the Cochins are 10 days younger than the Dominiques.

Coming soon: Ameraucana, RIR, Barred Rock, Buff Rock, Partridge Rock, BO, Black Sex-Link, Golden Sex-Link, Golden Wyandotte, Silver Wyandotte, Light Brahma, Cochin, Blue Andalusian, New Hamp, Black Australorp, Speckled Sussex, Maran and Welsummer.

I can only get 4 more chickies this year and I want increased egg production along with some egg color and chicken breed variety...SOOOOOOOOOOO I will get 2 Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers) and 2 Golden Sex Links!!!

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THERE is something VERY WRONG with all the previous postings. HERE I live in beautiful Sunny Warm FLORIDA and yet my feedstores are getting chicks in much later than everyone else.

My TSC says sometime in MARCH - - OMG.

My personal favorite feed store says - - "Looks like APRIL"

I think I could lay an EGG myself while waiting for them to get baby chicks.

GOD Grant me PATIENCE - Please !
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I went to the feed store to get a new, larger feeder, and thought I'd ask about when they are getting their chicks this spring....

They aren't.
You can't sell live animals like that in Anchorage! We would have to go all the way to wasilla to get them!

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