chicks sleepy and shaking their head often


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
2 of my 35 days old chicks suddenly are sleepy and shaking their head often. and also scratching their faces suddenly.face is also swollen of one of them .
they were active but now seem to be dull. what could be the reasom flem or worm or what. pls help

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Sounds like something but I would need to know what
your are feeding them and do you put anything in their
water and did they get shots before shipping

Got any egg's boil some up and remove the shell and
mash up real good and serve if they eat it feed one
per every ten chicks twice a day for three days I do it
more often and it wont hurt them and it is a natural
medicine for them also ...

Do you have a photo of your brooder set up

Have you checked them well for mites and lice? Have a good look at their ears - problems there can cause head shaking.

Have they been exposed to something new that they could be allergic to? You never know what a chick will decide to eat or get into.

You could post in detail on "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures, " thread
they were not shipped. there r under my care for many days and were ok then. i feed them chick starter and water with multivitamin.
no i didnt check deeply for mites. i will check for them now.
i brought a new chick today and he also started scratching his body and shaking the head sometimes. all of them r aseel gamecocks.

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Sometimes chicks scratch and shake their heads, but it shouldn't be a regular thing and their faces should not be swollen. They may have some respiratory ailment starting with ear infections. And yes, check them over for mites too. Look closely behind the neck and around the vent. You might want to start them on some Duramycin in the water for 7 to 10 days. You can get this at most feed stores or on line. You might also post this in our emergency section or the raising baby chicks section for more feed back. I hope you can get them back to good health soon! Keep us posted! :)
Byummy the way i gave a bath to my chicks in wood ash and soil, which stored those itches... but later one of them started to poor blood.... luckily the "kohomba leaf" juice cured the disease. Even the sleepiness seems to but much ok. They are active .....
my aseel chick is continuosly shaking is head and he had become very lazy and sleepy he is not eating well because of which he is loosing his health plz anyone help me soon!!! :(

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