chicks too fat

thanks for the research. Out of curiousity do they use manitol in icey hot? i know thats the powdery substance they use on gum and some other types of candy. It can also be used to treat kidney infections i think. Its got a menthol like property to it. Its also a bit of a laxitive.
Nothing looks out of place in those photos to me, either.

And I wish I could get more fat on my chickens! I'd love to be able to render some. As it stands now, we only boil the carcasses to get some nice stock out of it (with every last bit of fat we can keep with it for flavor).
Well since the ladies have gone on their new diet, they have doubled their weight in just under two weeks. Their appetites have increase right along with their size.

The roo is slim, walking and scratching, and jumping and flapping with no trouble, and hes also maturing quickly despite being on a strict diet. his crest and waddle are the only things growing rapidly on him. he spends most of his time in confinment, but we allow him about an hour a day of supervised free ranging, he usually spends that time eating greens and ripe breadfruit thats fallen from the tree and smashed. I dont mind him gorging on that stuff since its only for a little while every day and its "healthy".

hes gotta be supervised because having been removed from the flock, he is picked on relentlessly by the other birds. Normally i wouldn't mind but my turkens are like 3 times his size. They can mess him up or kill him pretty quickly if they wanted. I just dont want to be nursing him back to health again so soon.
The 75% of live weight is from my own weighings of birds alive then butchered after 12 hours of feed with drawl. This is about the same figure I get in both meat birds and "dual" or layer type breeds. They have about the same gut and feather ratio, just different growth rates. The after weight includes feet, gizzard, heart, and liver, and the range of percent yield is more like 70-80%. Some of the after weights don't include skin though as often I get lazy and just "take off their jackets."

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