Child with severe constipation/impacted bowel

We have had this problem with my youngest. We tried all kinds of things with her diet, including eliminating different things, etc. She is now on a daily dose of miralax and is works like a charm! I highly recommend this!! Fruit juice actually seemed to make things worse for Maya, unlike all my other kids.
i had a friend a few years ago and his DD was the same way...she was 13 started when she was 3...

she went to intence therapy because the doctors decided that it was a behavioral thing

there is hope but it can be an emotional road make she there is help for you too
I totally agree that it sounds more behavioral then physical. Maybe read on the potty or even watch TV just so she is relaxed enough to go? Good luck, Im sorry you have to go through this.
Totally my opinion, too. It seems like she needs some distraction, not more medication. How about a Nintendo DS to play with while she is on the potty? I agree with cartoons, too -- anything "eye candy" that she loves and will take her mind off going.

If you continue to have problems six months from now, it might be a good idea to have your doctor recommend a good behavioral therapist, seriously.
PLEASE make sure you see a gastro for this issue - and very soon. I know the chances are slim that its anything seriously wrong - however......... its best to rule it out upfront so you know 100% that what she's doing is behavioral in nature.

8 years ago I passed out and was rushed to the ER - ended up waiting days after taking OTC meds and doing enemas when I was not "regular" - and nothing worked. I thought I'd be family doctor thought I'd be okay and I wasnt.....

a week in the hospital of which the first 3 days I do not remember at all and I now have a lovely scar from sternum to pubic bone, about 13 inches - impacted bowel - I also lost part of my colon.

DO NOT WAIT - I learned the hard way and discovered I have an intestinal disorder and am not "wired" correctly so things do not empty as they should and it cost me.
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Wow, you're bringing back memories for me. My daughter went through this at the same age. One thing the dr told me is she was eating the wrong things---lots of white foods and the only fruits and veggies she would eat were also constipating--like apples, bananas and carrots. She was also afraid to go for fear it would be painful, so she'd hold it until it was HUGE! We'd put signs out in the front yard when she finally went...YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! I'm not sure how our plumbing ever stayed intact.

Okay I have a sense of humor about it now, but it caused lots of stress for several years. Milk of Magnesia and warm tea gave some relief. She has now outgrown it--she's 11--but one thing that really helped turn it around was fruit smoothies. I put in lots of fruit and psyllium husks.
Have you checked in to food allergies? I have constipation issues, and one thing that really helped me get things back on track was to eliminate gluten and dairy for awhile. Entero Labs does very good testing using a stool sample. It's supposed to be more accurate than blood testing. It could be that grains make her more blocked up, that's what happens to me. Also, a mug of warm water with lemon juice every night seems to help loosen everything up by the next morning if you can get her to drink it!
Bless your heart...I understand how you feel. My son was the same. We did not put him on oral laxatives. It was behavioral and we just had to work him through it. Gosh, he is 16 now, so I have blocked out a lot of it.

Please believe me when I say it will all turn out fine. Talk to your pediatrician about behavioral steps and if you are not satisfied with what he/she says, then try another. We PAY our doctors to help us and if you feel you are not getting satisfactory results, then you have every right to try another.

I remember whenever he had to "go" we would let him put a pullup on and fill it up. A couple of times we had to use a suppository (sp). He seemed afraid to sit on the toilet. I think another thing that helped was his little brother going through toilet training. Once he saw his little bro could do it, he came out of it. Is your daughter in preschool or around other kids? Maybe it would help for her to see others "go".
In addition to the behavioral therapy, fiber, fruit and fruit juices, I would add probiotics. Yogurt, Kifir, Yogurt shots, etc. These help support a healthy bacterial flora in the intestine and also help regulate bowel movements.

I hope you are able to find relief for you and your daughter soon!

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