Children Vaccines and Autism

You know, the autism rate increase and the attempt to link it to autism is kind of like the 'increase' in childhood sexual abuse being linked to any societal problem...

Here's the thing. To start with childhood sexual abuse part of the reason for the increased rate is increased reporting. This is undeniably a good thing. Most modern american children are now educated on what sexual abuse is, where people shouldn't be touching you, and what to do if someone does. They are educated that, no matter what the abuser threatens, they should still tell. This education has aided in stopping the abuse, which probably existed at similar rates in the past but went unreported.

With autism, it used to be that unless the child was very severe to the point of almost complete debilitation (inability to talk, etc) the child was labeled a 'behavioral problem', a 'bad kid', 'a little slow',... but not autistic. Not only that, but children weren't screened for these problems routinely and, unless there were severe signs, it wasn't caught early. Now early intervention programs lead to routine screening and early treatment. In physical and occupational therapy you will see two or three year olds that appear shy or quiet but are being treated for, "something in the autism spectrum."

Who knows if the rates were the same in the past? Children were not screened and were not treated like they are now.

Now, I'm not advocating that anyone be given multiple vaccinations to catch up all at once,.. but routine vaccination is just that, routine. Millions undergo it and it has saved many lives over the years. It scares me to think of what might happen as more and more children go unvaccinated. While I am vaccinated, it will be sad to be treating children for potentially fatal preventable illnesses.

I can only imagine what it must be like as a parent to be faced with this choice. The media says one thing, the medical community says another. If your child ends up with any mental problems, you will blame yourself for getting the vaccine. If your child ends up with a preventable illness, you will also probably end up blaming yourself.

What I will say is this, there is a definite, provable, link between not getting a vaccine and the ability to get one of the devastating childhood illnesses, whereas the link between vaccines and autism is not provable or definite.
It has been established that autism and vaccinations are not linked. However disease and the lack of immunizations are. Several young children in our area have just recently died from whooping cough. The belief that vaccines were related to autism arose from a combination of bad science and confusing correlation with causation. Because two things happen close together does not mean one causes the other. Autism is often diagnosed at about the same time that kids finish their vaccinations. It has to do with the age of the kid, not whether or not he has been vaccinated. There have been numerous studies in several countries and NO link between vaccines and autism has been found. Period.
They cannot give your child vaccinations if you don't want them to give it to him. My kids received the "vaccinations needed for your child" sheet from the school, and I was a nervous wreck! I thought that my kids would be kicked out of school Cuz my children have not gotten the "required" vaccinations for the school requirements. But it turns out that vaccinations are NOT a requirement. I filled out a paper for vaccination exemption and handed it to the school nurse personally, she looked it over and everything has been fine since.

As far as autism and vaccinations go, I don't think that anybody knows whether they're linked or not...there's too many things that they could blame it on instead of the vaccination. You just need to do some research and decide for yourself. Vaccinations are handed out like candy and it's a sad, sad thing. My own doctor does NOT vaccinate his own 2 children because he knows of the adverse effects of it all.

Good luck to you and if you doubt something then don't do it. Your childs life and health is not worth the risk.
Precisely. And now we're SO going to be in trouble when the bugger wears off and they get the pox as adults... a MUCH worse case than if they'd just had them like I did as a kid.

I understand polio... etc... but chicken pox? It's annoying, but the immunity you get from it protects you as an adult... something this vaccine cannot do. Wish wish wish we'd have been able to get out of it.
Bit the problem is, pineapple, that people are choosing not to vaccinate at all. I was never vaccinated for chicken pox, when I was in school that wasn't a recommended vaccination. I got chicken pox, got a little rashy for a week or two, and got better... now the measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus,etc... well, you won't just be out for a week or two. The problem is people are choosing not to vaccinate for diseases that used to be MAJOR diseases of childhood, diseases responsible for killing or disabling many children.
Autism is NOT caused by vaccination. Period. End of flipping story. PLEASE don't let people scare you out of vaccination due to this b.s. money-grubbing, evil man (Wakefield). If you choose not to vaccinate for other reasons, that's your choice. But don't avoid vaccination because of autism.

There have been MULTIPLE studies by reputable scientist that have ruled out vaccination as a cause of autism. What they have determined, clearly, is that:

A) THe ***** (I can't print what I think of Wakefield) who started the vaccines leads to autism scare has been discredited thoroughly as being in the pay of, you guessed it, a shill for a lawyer looking to sue the vaccine companies. He has also had his license yanked for his thoroughly unethical and despicable treatment of children and multiple instances of fraud.
B) Even in areas without vaccination, such as Yokohama in Japan where they didn't vaccinate MMR, the incidence of Autism parallelled that of the US. Unfortunately, in Britain, where Wakefield first published, MMR vaccination has dropped below the needed levels for herd immunity leading to the first deaths from measles since 1992.
C) Autism's got a very strong hereditary component. If one twin has autism, chances are over 60% that the other twin has it.

What you *SHOULD* be scared by is what happens by NOT getting vaccinated. Measles can cause death in your child. Rubella can cause deformity and retardation in newborns if a pregnant woman gets it from an unvaccinated child. Mumps can case meningitis, deafness, and nerve damage.

Remember - vaccines are NOT the same as antibiotics. Vaccines are dead (or nearly-dead) infectious agents that kick your own immune system into gear to create your own natural antibodies to fight those diseases.

Please read:
remember that the Lancet retracted the article which claimed the link:

to a child on the autism spectrum and a child who is not on the autism spectrum, who both got vaccinated properly.
Agree completely. The Big Ones so to speak absolutely agree with. But the chicken pox... that's an inconvenience as a child but a MUCH worse thing as an adult. Things like that should NOT be shot against IMO. There should be a line... but there isn't.
While it is true that no one can force you to vaccinate your children, you have to show proof that your children have received the standard early childhood vaccinations if they want to attend public school in the state of California. I do not know what the rules and regulations are for private schools. My oldest son was behind in his vaccinations when he started kindergarten (I had elected not to get him the OPV, which was a questionable vaccine in the early/mid 1980s), and I had to keep him home for the first two weeks of the school year until he got caught up, and he was not allowed to even come on school grounds until he was vaccinated. Being a single working mother who was not on welfare, home schooling was never an option. I do not know if that is still the law here, but that is what it was when my son started kindergarten in 1990.

If that isn't the government MAKING you do it, I don't know what is.
Little story here.

Don't remember year but I do remember almost everyone in town lining up at the elementary school and recieving the polio vaccine. My mother, rest her soul, would get tears in her eyes when you spoke about the polio vaccine. Never did I ever suspect what the true story was. And it wasn't until she passed away that I asked my dad what the deal was. In my mother's day, 1920-30s they just didn't have much for vaccinations. Treatment for polio was ineffective, it seems as the story goes a young boy who my mother went to school with contracted polio and died. Obviously that marked my mother for life, she would comment repeatedly through the years about Dr Jonas Saulk developing "the cure" for polio.

So the point of this story--- As children me and my two siblings recieved every and I mean every vaccine, on the exact schedule that was reccommended. here in La. we have a Public Health Dept where children could at that time get vaccinations free of charge, we knew the nurse their personnally. Called her "Old Shot", and I am pretty sure that just about 90% of the children in our parish knew her too.

Out of respect to my mother, I made sure that my children were vaccinated properly and on time, I now make sure that my grandchild is vaccinated properly and on time.
Autism is not caused by vaccines. Most vaccines are worth getting.

There's more to vaccines than just protecting your child now. If one gets real chicken pox the virus lays latent in the nerves your entire life and can get reactivated later in life as shingles. This is incredibly painful when it reactivates and can cause tingling in the nerves long after the shingles rash has healed.

Having children vaccinated against the flu yearly doesn't just help the child, but studies have shown that it decreases the rates of infection and death in the elderly in the community. If that vaccinated child is a contact of a younger, more immunologically vulnerable child, that younger child is also less likely to get and have complications from the flu.

We're seeing now some of the complications from missing vaccinations with spotty outbreaks of "cured" diseases. We're lucky to live in an era of vaccination and not have to worry about our kids dying from measles or being infertile later in life from mumps.

Having multiple injections in one day is also not an issue. Shots should be given at least 1 inch apart so in the event of a rare local reaction (swelling, etc) it's easier to tell which vaccine it was.

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