Children Vaccines and Autism

The nobel prize winner who discovered the structure of DNA, James Watson, agrees with you. And he is researching the genetic factors, along with a lot of other scientists, partly because he has a son who is autistic.

Every peer-reviewed, scientific study that's been done since Wakefield published this nonsense has proven NO link between autism and vaccination, MMR, or thimerosol. Places that had no vaccination at all because of economic factors (certain cities in Japan) had the same rise in autism as everywhere else.

Autism is genetic. I know people don't want to believe that because they think of it as some horrible stigma that might taint their family line... but it is genetic. Twin studies have shown that: when one twin is autistic, it's 90% chance that the other will be too. And in the cases where the other twin isn't autistic, that other twin has a 30% increased chance of learning disabilities and other neurological differences. There are other very strong indicators of the heritability of autism.

But, people who get their pseudoscientific "opinions" from such brilliant researchers as Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey won't believe the scientists who actually follow the scientific method. They'd rather believe in conspiracies. You want a conspiracy - how about the conspiracy between Wakefield, the lawyer who paid him to lie about his findings, and the competitors to the standard vaccines who paid the lawyer? Wakefield's *co-authors* requested their names to be removed from the paper because they found out he'd been falsifying his data! The journal where he published formally retracted the paper.

*opinion* is that people are idiots for not vaccinating their kids and that Wakefield should be hung by the neck until dead for endangering so many children's lives - but, like I said, that's my opinion. That's not a scientific finding. The findings on autism being heritable and on there being *NO LINK* between autism and vaccination are not my opinion - they are scientifically-backed findings that have been replicated time and again, across the world.

If you don't want to vaccinate, or you want to spread out the vaccinations, that's your choice. But don't decide based on a bogus link to autism that was discredited AND disproven thoroughly.
I don't get and would NEVER get my kids FLU shots, HPV shots, or any other ones like that out there, they are just too dangerous and SO not necessary. Not only are vaccines linked to Autism, they are also linked to cancer and a whole other host of problems...
Whether you choose to vaccinate your kids or not, be aware that vaccines do not guarantee safety from disease.

Vaccine failure is when disease occurs in a person despite being vaccinated for it. It is of two types:

* primary vaccine failure: This is when a person fails to produce antibodies (at detectable levels) or does not produce enough antibodies considered necessary to protect from the disease.

* secondary vaccine failure: This is when a person does produce antibodies in response to vaccination however the levels wane and decline at a faster rate than normally expected. However, antibodies to almost all vaccines decline over time, even after booster shots, so secondary vaccine failure in outbreaks of disease amongst the vaccinated is frequent.

CDC article, indicating that whooping cough is adapting and changing, much like bacteria becoming antibiotic resistant.

In The Netherlands, as in many other western countries, pertussis vaccines have been used extensively for more than 40 years. Therefore, it is conceivable that vaccine-induced immunity has affected the evolution of B. pertussis. Consistent with this notion, pertussis has reemerged in The Netherlands, despite high vaccination coverage.
This is one thing that scares me. My daycare lady and I were talking about this yesterday.

Sure, whooping cough is a huge bother for adults.

It's more than that for infants - it can and will kill them. A different daycare here a few years ago lost a baby to whooping cough - it died in the daycare woman's arms as they were waiting for an ambulance. I'm not sure the US stats, but 300,000 kids and infants world wide die from it. This year so far, 10 infants have died from it.

A lot may have to do with declining titers in older adults, who contract it, and then the problem starts when they expose infants who are too young to vax. Again, it's a bother for adults, it's deadly to infants.

I don't want to be the reason someone else's infant dies. I keep up on my vaccinations (mainly DTap every 10 years or so).
We do not vaccinate our kids, it is a personal choice that only the parents can make.

We have 2 friends that took their 18 month old boys in for their check ups. The boys were fine. Both received the standard vaccines. In less than 5 hours both had fevers and were never the same. One parent has done a lot of research and has helped their son by changing diet, etc.

I've done quite a bit of research and will state that vaccines are not the single cause. Vaccines are a link in the cog of several factors that trigger the disease.

I don't want to get too technical...there is a genetic pre-disposition to having a bad reaction just like there is for allergies, being fat, etc. When you child is vaccinated it causes the immune system to do some wild stuff, if it didn't do this the vaccines wouldn't work. On some kids the immune system gets a little too out of control and starts to do some bad things to the body. This is no different than other common allergies. With autism the body starts to attack itself and releases chemicals that affect the brain. Most of this production occurs in the bowels and is why the gluten free diets work in a lot of cases. People ask how can a chemical from the stomach mess with your gets in the blood stream like booze does...

It's a very personal decision.

If you look at vaccines and the elimination of many diseases there is a strong correlation but not a causation. At the same time there were more importantly breakthroughs in how to clean with bleach, community health responses, awareness, etc.

What we should not do as a nation is close our eyes to all possibilities or judge others for their actions. We each act in our children's best interest. If your children are fully vaccinated you having to fear from my unvaccinated kids.

If you look at the number of cases of autism and the increase in the number of vaccines received you will see around a correlation in the 80%'s.

Another now proven conspiracy about vaccines is the SV40 virus.

What is interesting about this nugget is that it was known to cause cancer, be contagious, and to be present in around 50% of polio vaccines. If you look at the cancer incidence rates of people from the demographics that would have gotten this shot you can see they have cancer rates never before seen in human history.

Lots of unknown but you can not get on here and say that this is or is not caused by this or that. That is as ignorant as the people who still believe we are in Iraq for WMD's not oil or in AfSMACKistan for freedumb not poppys.
My BIL got chicken pox as an adult, he ended up in the hospital. he was one giant pustule... ooooozzing everywhere, ears, eyes EVERYWHERE!!!..... soaking everything.... scared him up pretty bad.

Thats one thing I'd expose my kid to on purpose!
My neice is on facebook her name is Sacia Edwards and her son was diagnosed at two with autisim after vaccines she would be helpful with loads of resources and info about this subject! I am on fb as Connie Campbell look me up and shes on my friends list!
mom'sfolly :

I don't believe there is a link between autism and vaccines. I do believe there is a link between the age most vaccine are given and the age autism is detected. The doctor who pioneered the idea of vaccines causing autism has lost his license to practice medicine in his native country due to falsifying data. The rate of MMR vaccination (the one "linked" to autism) in this country has been fairly steady over the last 40-50 years, but the rate of autism has skyrocketed. If vaccines cause autism; the rates should parallel one another. Do the research yourself, and look at real data, not information from folks with a particular world view.

I know that Wikipedia is not the worlds best source, but it does give a decent overview, and plenty of links and additional avenues to research.

I haven't read through all the posts, but I wanted to just give a little info about me/my boys/family... We did delayed vaccinations (just a more spread out schedule) and double checked that they didn't contain thimerosal. My family is pretty "nerdy" and many/most (including myself) are on the spectrum. My husband is nerdy and his dad didn't talk until he was 5 or 6 and is most definitely on the spectrum as well. My older son, 6, is still non-verbal and is on the spectrum, and now my 3 1/2 year old is having some issues and has been identified as most likely on the spectrum as well (probably Aspergers). Older son is in special education, speech therapy, occupational therapy, is loving and kind... and it looks like younger one will need less intervention and probably will be able to go into regular preschool next year with some extra assistance. Vaccinations had nothing to do with what we have - I think it is 100% genetic. My FIL didn't have vaccinations until he was school aged (was born in the hills of KY). My family has always been nerdy - and had troubles with social skills. I think the great majority of us (in my family) would have been diagnosed and gotten extra help if we had waited until now to be born.

However... some of these diseases can cause death or serious side effects. If you feel uncomfortable, space them out. They'll probably need to have them all by Kindergarten though. Talk to your doc.​
as far as avoiding thimerasol, the substitute they use is at least as bad, but hasn't been as thoroughly tested... so it's bad either way. I vaccinated my kids because the chances of problems from vaccinations are less than the chances of problems of them being vulnerable to whooping cough, measles, polio, etc. especially if they're ever going to travel to other countries.

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