Children Vaccines and Autism

Actually, if you do the research you find out that the Amish have vaccination rates similar to the general public, but they do have lower autism rates. Most serious researchers believe that the anomaly has several factors, with lower diagnosis rates being part of it. The differences of the milder forms of autism are not always seen as a disorder by these communities.

Again the MMR vaccination rates have been fairly constant in this country and the autism rate has skyrocketed. If they were linked the rates would be similar. I think that the tendency to autism is inherited and the causal agent is probably a variety of environmental chemicals. The rates of new chemicals introduced in the last 40 years has skyrocketed, as have the autism rates. Even things like scented candles and plug in airfreshners are relatively new. Spray this to destroy germs on the floor, this for germs in the air; gene modify foods to allow greater herbicide use, plastic in every sort of food packaging, creams, lotions and potions for every body part, etc; all this adds to the daily chemical load of the modern American, without most people thinking twice about problems. The consequences of this chemical load are extremely hard to pin down; science tends to isolated and test, not accumulate and test. Vaccines become an easy target.
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There were some families in my area that felt the same way about vaccines you do. Unfortunately their kids are now dead. Whooping cough. I have no idea how they feel about vaccines now.
mom'sfolly :

Again the MMR vaccination rates have been fairly constant in this country and the autism rate has skyrocketed. If they were linked the rates would be similar. I think that the tendency to autism is inherited and the causal agent is probably a variety of environmental chemicals. The rates of new chemicals introduced in the last 40 years has skyrocketed, as have the autism rates. Even things like scented candles and plug in airfreshners are relatively new. Spray this to destroy germs on the floor, this for germs in the air; gene modify foods to allow greater herbicide use, plastic in every sort of food packaging, creams, lotions and potions for every body part, etc; all this adds to the daily chemical load of the modern American, without most people thinking twice about problems. The consequences of this chemical load are extremely hard to pin down; science tends to isolated and test, not accumulate and test. Vaccines become an easy target.

I totally agree with you there. Are there any stats on autism/immune disorder rate vs. sheer number of immunizations? I came across DH's vaccine card from his childhood - there were about 12 shots total. Today the recommended amount is around 36 doses. That concerns me.

Sarah, just keep reading and getting informed. If you do decide to vaccinate, get them one at a time and watch your kids closely. Then if they have a reaction, you know which vaccine it was. A really good book on the subject is What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave. Very balanced book, discusses pros and cons, and offers alternative schedules.
I vaccinated my children, who are now 6 and nearly 11. Even IF vaccines caused autism - which they don't - I could live with an autistic child. I couldn't live with a dead one.

We did use a modified schedule with our youngest son since he had a low grade fever after his first round of vaccines; waiting a few months longer than the "regular" schedule worked well for him.
Yeah, that.

I think not getting diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, mumps, rubella, meningitis, or hepatitis is a good thing. It is sad that there are vaccines for such and millions of children die every year in other countries because they don't have access to those vaccines. Of course, because of the community immunity, an vaccinated kid does have a much lower chance of getting the things that would kill in another country.

As a society, we could always not immunize though and let the weaker kids die out so only kids with "good" immune systems live long enough to breed. Survival of the fittest!
There is no link between vaccines and autism, the initial research that indicated that there might be has been debunked.

We live in a global society, one in which people travel from one end of the earth to the other in the span of a day. Polio is still a major problem overseas, as are a number of the other diseases that we vaccinate for. Whooping cough is indeed making a comeback in the US.

Vaccines have saved millions of lives, but we humans have a short memory and forget the terror that the diseases that we vaccinate for caused. While the choice to vaccinate is a personal one, I do believe that it should be an informed decision and not one that ignores the history of the disease.

That said, when dealing with your doctor you do have every right to ask that the vaccines are spaced apart if that is your wish.
In regards to the Amish comment,... think of ALL the other ways their lifestyle, diet, schedules, stress levels, weight, activity levels, and genetics differ from the general population. Amish also are very prone to certain syndromes and terminal genetic ailments, we could also say, based on the logic presented, that these are because they have lower vaccination rates than the general population. You can't just say, "Because of x, y happens" when there are many many factors that effect it. You would be more accurate to say, "A combination of x,h,f,e,s,z,x,n,b,w,a,i,k,v,w,l, and m might have some effect on the prevalence of Y."

Correlation does NOT equal causation.

Its not that I dont want to vaccinate, I do want to protect my child! Im just scared to walk in and say 'Ok heres my child, dose em on up!' Ya know?
My father has had this horrible cough for sheesh... almost a year now! The Drs could not figure out what it was and even had him on antibiotics for AIDS patients! Still it didnt help. Finally one Dr told him it was whooping cough and that was months ago. This morning I heard him coughing up a storm while on the phone with me. Its like everytime he went to laugh he had a coughing fit. Hes even a non smoker!
Here is my take on this subject.
Vaxes do not CAUSE Autism, but are likely the tipping point into full blown autism.
No matter what spin you put on it, injecting viruses, dead or not so dead along with other ingrediants that would never normally enter the bloodstream is anything but healthy.
Rates of disease had already gone down due to proper hygeine prior to the invention of vaccines.

Did you know that no vaccine is for life? 4 years at best!

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