There is nothing like feeding the peafowl after school. School can be stressful and tiresome and seeing the peafowl afterwards is a big escape. I think for our families animals are a big source of joy and they are great at helping you forget about your stresses. This week was exam week so today I was just so glad all my exams are done! I spent a few hours with the peafowl taking photos, feeding, cleaning the peachick pen and re-arranging it, etc.
Here is Ice. I don't know if I need to put up a blind or something because she feels like she has to pace the peachick pen threatening the peachicks through the fence.

This big girl is Ice's largest peachick. This is the peachick I saved that got soaked in the rain when it was little. What happened is she got grass wrapped around her leg and couldn't move and was stuck out there in the rain. I am glad I saved her because she is turning out to be a very pretty peahen. I am throwing around some names for her. I might name her Missy.

Here is one of her sisters. I am naming this one Snow White. She is photogenic like Ice.

The third peachick of Ice's I didn't get any good pics of. She is a little fierce peachick. She jump kicked one of the white male peachicks that is more than twice her size and it ran away scared.
Damsel's face is looking very yellow orange but the funny thing is I haven't been feeding them corn.

Here is a photo of Alto's back.

Meanwhile in the peachick pen the peacocks have started to display on the perches or on top of the dog box. I am enjoying this new trend. Now all I need is a big pretty dead log in a big pen for them to display on. Peep will hop from one perch to the other all while displaying.
I rarely catch the white peacocks displaying. Normally they seem to wait for me to be out of their pen for a while before they start and normally their displays don't last long. This guy is on top of the dog box.

This is Peep displaying on a perch. I mainly think he displays up there for me. He must be making sure I get a good view of his show.

Here is Peep checking out the new camera. He likes the camera because it has a bunch of stuff on it he can peck at like a strap and a lens cap.

Here is an example of how he begs to be pet. I don't always pet him without him asking most of the time he is the one pecking at my fingers trying to make me pet him. Here he is sticking his head through the fence to get me to pet him.

Right under the beak and near his crest is where he likes to be pet the most.

I let him out of the pen for a little while so he could peck around. He displayed most of the time. I let him out then stayed in the pen to re-arrange some things and when I walked out of the pen and walked to him he ran to my foot making that matting call and he stood on my foot. I thought he was about to mate with my foot. :roll: Well maybe he gets that from the dog...

Here is Ice. I don't know if I need to put up a blind or something because she feels like she has to pace the peachick pen threatening the peachicks through the fence.
This big girl is Ice's largest peachick. This is the peachick I saved that got soaked in the rain when it was little. What happened is she got grass wrapped around her leg and couldn't move and was stuck out there in the rain. I am glad I saved her because she is turning out to be a very pretty peahen. I am throwing around some names for her. I might name her Missy.
Here is one of her sisters. I am naming this one Snow White. She is photogenic like Ice.
The third peachick of Ice's I didn't get any good pics of. She is a little fierce peachick. She jump kicked one of the white male peachicks that is more than twice her size and it ran away scared.
Damsel's face is looking very yellow orange but the funny thing is I haven't been feeding them corn.
Here is a photo of Alto's back.
Meanwhile in the peachick pen the peacocks have started to display on the perches or on top of the dog box. I am enjoying this new trend. Now all I need is a big pretty dead log in a big pen for them to display on. Peep will hop from one perch to the other all while displaying.
I rarely catch the white peacocks displaying. Normally they seem to wait for me to be out of their pen for a while before they start and normally their displays don't last long. This guy is on top of the dog box.
This is Peep displaying on a perch. I mainly think he displays up there for me. He must be making sure I get a good view of his show.
Here is Peep checking out the new camera. He likes the camera because it has a bunch of stuff on it he can peck at like a strap and a lens cap.
Here is an example of how he begs to be pet. I don't always pet him without him asking most of the time he is the one pecking at my fingers trying to make me pet him. Here he is sticking his head through the fence to get me to pet him.
Right under the beak and near his crest is where he likes to be pet the most.
I let him out of the pen for a little while so he could peck around. He displayed most of the time. I let him out then stayed in the pen to re-arrange some things and when I walked out of the pen and walked to him he ran to my foot making that matting call and he stood on my foot. I thought he was about to mate with my foot. :roll: Well maybe he gets that from the dog...