Chilly weather means a SOUPer weekend

ChickBond 007

Licensed to Cull
11 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Madison County, Iowa
I've got that urge to make a huge stock pot full of soup. The weather has turned cold, and it just feels warm/cozy to make soup and bread.
Thinking vegetable beef.
Got any other suggestions? Love to hear your best soup recipe please.
last night made beef stewp. beef stew without thickening it.. was great.. beef broth, stew meat, carrots, onion, potatoes, peas,, thyme, marjoram, garlic, and a bay leaf.... severed it with cornbread. easy in the crockpot
I made the first soup of the season in the crockpot last night for lunch today. Sauerkraut & Sausage soup. It's yummy...and you don't even know there's sauekraut in it if you have someone who doesn't care for it. I posted the recipe last winter so it's in the recipe index.
The secret to making good chicken soup base is to not boil the stock hard. The ideal temp is to get only a couple of bubbles while cooking. Scoop the fat off often and you will have a clear virtually fat free base.
I make deer stew all year long. It doesn't have to be cold for me to make stews/soups. I love it.

I love chilli in the winter time though.

...and do not leave out the cornbread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I made a vegetable Beef soup last week from all of our garden veggies including potatoes with homemade Herb Bread.

For tonight I have had a chicken in the slow cooker with carrots, onions and potatoes since 7:30 this morning! Smells so yummy! I am also baking Apple Sauce Oatmeal cookies right now!
OMG, oh, polygamy, why were you banned. U.S.A. prudes?

I agree I want a sister wife!!! preferably one who likes to clean house! I told my husband to go find one, he's never sure if I am joking or not but he looked a little scared . . .
You're my kind of woman (cook)! Will you marry me?

Oh, Joe, where were you 20 years ago when I was short skirts, big hair, and 98 pounds?
You were hiding from us high maintenance girls on the float, and running around in fast cars...weren't you?

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