Chinese Crested Sooo Sweet!!! Anyone else ga-ga over goslings?


5 Years
May 19, 2014
Hey everyone!!!

I'm raising baby chicks, baby ducks, AND baby geese...all at once, and I have to say...while all the little chickies and ducklings are coming along nicely, I find that the geese are the sweetest little things!!! The chicks, while they do accept me as "momma" so-to-speak, are more interested in WIFFT (what's in it for them), while the Khaki Campbell ducks seem to want to remain a little on the wild side...but the Chinese Crested I'm raising are so ****** sweet and affectionate!!! I never knew that raising birds could be so rewarding, but these four that I have call to me whenever I'm out of range, they follow me around, they swim and do "geesy" things...while they keep checking in with me. The only problem I've had is...their necks get red and they look like they're losing fluffy-down there, but I take them out (it's recently gotten warm) and the redness goes away...other than that, they're a joy to have. I could probably go on and on about how sweet they are but...I'm wondering, is anyone else so taken with goslings???? Or is it just me...
They're tiny, so, no feathers yet...(they're only about a week and a half old) They only have poofy heads right now. Yesterday it chilled down too much for them, so I had to blow-dry them after their bath...and POOF...I had puff-balls when I was!!! So sweet and of them hid it's head in the crook of my arm when I was blow-drying it...and then kind of...cooed?... So I guess it liked being warm and toasty again.
But they are Chinese Crested...or so I was told when I ordered them....
Is there anyway you could post pics of them? Chinese geese are just that, chinese, either brown or white. Crested is a term for ducks and chickens. Tufted is a term for geese. The reason im asking for pics is because i have chinese, both colors and none of mine are tufted except for the ones i crossbred to get, which i bred a Tufted Roman to a chinese. Im just wondering if maybe you were sold a mixed breed

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