Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Well, the two pips from last night had not done anything and neither had the other two eggs so, I once again steamed up the bathroom and took advantage of taking the chicks out... I'm really glad I did because as i said in an earlier post, the humidity dropped last night and the two pipped eggs had begun to shrink wrap.. I opened the eggs and cracked them so that it would be easier for them to get out of them but still have to work a bit.. The third egg that did not have a pip yet was still alive and had pipped internally but not externally.. I made sure it had plenty of moisture on the membrane, wrapped it in a wet tissue and put it back in the bator.. The fourth egg had not pipped internally or externally nor had it absorbed the yolk but it was already dead.. I figure that one probably died just after lockdown..

So, as long as these three chicks survive, I had 12 of 14 hatch... I need to get a sponge or something to keep the humidity up at night.. it's funny because it will be fine ALL day long but at night it drops like crazy... I'm glad I don't keep the vents open because it would be dryer than a desert if I did!!

Well my two that I helped out this morning are doing well and I had 2 more pip this afternoon.. One is out and the other one is working on it. The lady I was hatching EE for picked up 11 so we have 13 chicks left for us.. plus the pip and I still have 5 more eggs we're hoping still hatch. Not the best percentage out of total eggs set but if we don't count all the infertile ones, we're not doing too bad. Out of the ones I'm keeping to start our own flock with I think I have 3 or 4 Welsummers, a couple of RIR, maybe 1 RIW, 2 BA, 3 EE and a couple mystery chicks. The kids are having a ball (so am I...) Here's a picture of some of them...

Ok all this chick pictures ate so so so cute! I'm bummed out... I have 5 dels that hatched and three eggs I did a float test on and they all floated so I don't know... They made any noise or moved the last twelve hrs so I guess ill give them a little longer... Is it unusual for other eggs to hatch later than all the others?
i just want to say a big thanks to everyone i couldnt have done this without you guys its my 1st try & i am extremely nervous but i now have 2 half dry fluffys with one starting to zip
I once removed two eggs 1 WEEK past their hatch date and found two were still alive!!! Not a nice surprise at all.

3 Blue Copper Marans and 4 Wheaten Penedesenca hatched today! More pipping.....
I almost always have a la day 25 chick.......................
and one morning on day 26 .i went to throw the eggs out and guess what...
this cute little face was looking ay me through the window
I put the one that hatched 2 days earlier in with the 2 week old chicks that I have and they took it right under their wings. (sorry couldn't resist) Everyone was getting along great within seconds of putting it in there and I like that the older chicks help the younger figure out the food and water quicker. Just try it when you have some time to watch them and check up on them for a little bit.

I did have one more hatch yesterday (an easter egger chick) and have at least one more pip. I am pretty sure I heard peeping from someone other than the hatched chick before leaving for work today, so hopefully will have more little peepers when I get home tonight.

That's great to hear.
I hoped given the older ones are banties they wouldn't be too big so it's good to know your chickies were nice to your new baby.
I have oh so much time to watch babies when I do the introduction, what could be better than staring at babies?

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