Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

picture of Butters the last one to hatch:

Jen I'm sorry your husband had to go through that. Hope he mends quickly.

I had 2 of the wellies hatch and 2 were had tiny pips for hours. I listened to them this afternoon and they were chirping away, but a bout 2 hours again they had stopped.

I candled them and the other 2 that seemed to have something going on, but those made no sounds and looked like they were half way down in the shells. I pipped them and used this cool tiny light I found to them. I could see inside and they had been quiters. I think I've figured out when I get the ones that look mummified. I think they are the ones that have detached aircells that are holding enough to let them form, but then shrink wraps them. Not like a real shrink wrapped chick, but like it was that way for a few days.

Went back and check for the pther pips to peep and nothing, so I figured I had lost the and opened the pips. The were alive and seemed fine, but they were shrink wrapped just passed the pips. I worked on them for 2 hours and they are in there trying to dry out. What is it about the tinier the chick the louder the noise? Man are they LOUD! I hope thse two make it. They look alright, so I hope they do.

So two days after my last hatch of 4 and I have 4 more. So even thought I had to help a couple of them out, every chick would have made it did.

I feel so much better.

Thank you Chookschick! Where ever you are!

OMG these wellies are getting even louder!

Since I'm on a roll, I'm going tomorrow to pick up more eggs.

Getting LF Wellies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and some Barnies.

Man I gotta get that Sportsman working and soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a quick update.
Poppi delivered twins to night..1 boy.1girl.........
Of course she waited until I ran to the store.the stinker.
All is well..will catch up with posts tomorrow
Good Morning,
Working on my first cup of coffee...
Went in to take the chick out that I helped yesterday.and sure enough
a chick from an EE eggs was just hatching,,,,,,,,
I think I went into lock daown Monday so I am surprized.
Looks strong and healthy.

jenscott, thank you for the pics................
takes me back to the days of sheep raising.
I had Corridales.both black and white.
Will catch up later after coffee goes to work..
Hugs to all.......
Oh how I want some!

What are they? I love the patchy colors but I can't work out the breed.

I used to have some colored x-bred ewes years ago but gave them to a friend when I had to move. Love to get some again.

That pick of them playing with the cat is priceless!
Both are adorable, but I love the markings on that second one
We've got one with that little patch of black on the eyelid too.. I have to look real close to tell if he's looking at me or sleeping.

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