Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

That's part of chicken math! Congrats on the babies!

Better to have more than less!

Wish I had found extras in mine. lol

One of m yWellies just pipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta go watch!
Got two external pips and 1 internal pip on the coturnix!!!!!!!

Also two eggs rocking!!! It's a day early for day 18, which makes these technically early hatchers, though I've had hatches on day 16 and day 14 before.


The first pip!


The second pip! It's in the small end, but it should be fine.

Nobody's making a sound, so I had to really look to find pips.
ok final update i have 2 black orpys 2 cochins & im not sure if the splash will make it its really weak. the rest didnt make it, not sure why i may have shrink wrapped them when i took out the 2 blacks yesterday.



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HI again,
Murano farms:
The little one on it's own is not that much trouble.
I just have to many things going at once....
I do not know what will be recommended for your lamb...but I started this one at 4 hr. feeding because that is what the book said.........
Then my neighbor who raises goats told me this was not nessesary...........................
Starting her on 3x's a day today
For sure bottle fed is the only way to go for a pet.
They think your Mom

One of our bottle lambs took champian at the fair one year.
He was shown by our grandson who was about 8 at the time.....
Flat beat out all the fancy bred rams.and GS was the only child in the mix.
Hobbs (the sheep) went to sleep in the ring with my grandson holding his chin.
The judge asked GS.your pet?
I have been so blessed by my anilmal friends.

Got 8 hrs last night and will quit complaining

Oh, and I am not giving up on my eggs for a few more days.
Have had some of those little devils suprize me in the past.
My little chick with the curled foot is doing better but the one foots toes are still curling.. Do you think that they will continue to get better or is there something I can do to help them?

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