Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

You just never know with these guys.
Went in an hr. ago...4 pips......
Just checked again.......three more chicks...only one from the previous pip.
Soooooooooooo, at least three more pips.
Started with 18 but do not think they were all fertile and I did not do a late candeling.
Cannot tell if there is more because the chickies are laying on the eggs.........................

Truely.think I am going to try to sell this bottle baby goat.
She is cuter than cute but I am so tired.....
I am just walking dead.have her up right now for her bottle and I let her run around for an hour each feeding.........

So excited about the hatch.and one is out of the pink wet to see color....
Later, Toni
OK , one more thing.
I have been looking and looking for a new roo for my FBCM's
I like the one I have mostly but want more copper than he shows.
Anyway...FOUND ONE.and from the breeding stock I prefer...............
Trading for a pure bred Americuana pullet.
Some times things just work out
Didn't find my way home from the cemetery until after 10pm. What a drive.

My fat little chicks look like they are already triple in size. My #4 chick seems to be everyones favorite.

I went to check my eggs in lockdown and my towel was dry. Added water, so I hope it helps. I'm so worried they're shrink wrapped in there now. I'd hate to get a decent hatch and then screw this one up. Especially since I ummmm uuuhhhh....have more eggs coming.

I really want these little Wellies to make it though. They' re from Dutch and German lines, but don't know which ones. They're due tomorrow, oops today. Thing is I think I hear peeps, but it's the newbies in the makeshift brooder in here.

With these, the Marans eggs and the lone AM egg in the other bator and whatever I come home with on Sunday (picking up, LF Wellies, Blue Marans and silver and black AMS, maybe a few assorted too) I think I will be good on outside eggs for a while. I figure my girls should be laying up a storm soon and I can hatch out next years flocks and even have lots of chicks to sell. Yeah!!!!! I just know I'll be building more pens. No I won't, I'll sell some.......Got a buyers list, so just need to get some chicks on the ground for me first.

Oh, I just forgot I was watching an auction on eBay. Gotta see if it's too late!
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You guys are getting such cute chicks! You are making me want to hatch out some more! Luckily I am planning on doing a hatch for St. Patty's day. CONGRATS to everyone on the beautiful chicks! Wolfie, so glad you had a much better hatch this time! You deserve the good luck and more to come!
Still 2 eggs in the bator, but i am not hopeful. at lockdown they looked smaller than the others so they are either dead or taking longer, thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

However i have 10 beautiful babies, all 6 choc orpinton bantams hatched, I had to give one or two a little help (one was completely stuck - he had half unzipped and then waited ages so he dried out). I was terrified i would make it worse but as you can see they all look fab now. (will upload pics in a min If I can figure out how)

I have 2 white sussex and 2 lemon pyle brahmas (with the wonderful fuzzy feet).

I am so thrilled as this was my first time and we lost power for 3 hours on day 21.

Thanks everyone, I have been following all your comments and there have been loads that have kept me straight and sane.


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