Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

MuranoFarms : sorry about your egg accident.

I am still sitting here staring at the incubator. Patiently waiting.

7 more days!
Oh no....poor MuranoFarms.

Hang in there.

Cute count down. This Sunday is when I go into lockdown then I will join your bunny dance.
I was just going to check in and announce that I had 3 pips.. By the time I logged on and got caught up with the thread... I now have 2 pips and a chick!!
They aren't supposed to be here until tomorrow.. Not that I am complaining. I had a time, to say the least, with the NY hatch. I tweaked the bator after that. Looks like it worked!!! Woot!
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LOL.. Unfortunately, I wont be keeping any of these.. DH said I can keep 8 more but I need to get fencing and some type of building (either a shed or home built) before i could keep any.. I'm planning on selling these...

Aww...too bad! Atleast you got the joy of hatching them.. I have no clue where I am going to house what I am hatching either. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Let the coop expansions begin...
Oh believe me.. I've been hitting up freecycle and Craiglist but have not had any luck... That's where I got ALL the materials for the current coops and runs... I haven't been so lucky this time though.. I'm still trying... I may just have to use the money I make off this first hatch and buy the fencing and hope to be able to run into some wood or a free shed....

I'm in the process of planning my new coop. I want to tear down the old one, which was made for about 10 or so laying hens and use the materials to build a smaller coop that is better for bantams. I have it all planned out with external nest boxes and everything, but It probably won't turn out as nice as I picture it.

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