Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

So cute! Congrats!
How do you like that brooder? I don't care for mine much with bantams. They are too little for about the first week or two and can't get close enough to it. I put a small long dish upside down under it to get them closer, but they still seem a little cool. Standard sized chicks do great though!

I love mine
I did notice it seemed to be a big gap for the tiny banties (I've never had bantie babies before) but I cheated and put shavings in with the cloth over the top so they had a flattish surface to walk on and they didn't fall into the shavings. Made the bit in the middle lower and the sides a bit higher so they can chose to snuggle closer to it if they want to. They really seem to love it, much happier than my last lot under lights.

Now two questions:

I candled my CNY eggs last night and was amazed to find I have more alive than I thought. Looks like 5 moving and one odd looking one I need advice. It looks dark and full but I see no movement and I can't see blood vessels or anything when I candle it. It's also a darker egg with a thicker shell than the others. I did wonder if it might be a stinker and sniffed it. It has a very slight 'eggy' smell. It doesn't stink, the smell is only slight but the others smell like nothing. So... do you think I could still have a chick in there or is it on the way to being an egg bomb? I really don't want to toss it if there might be a chick in there but at the same time I don't want it to explode in the hatcher if it's an egg bomb.

Other question is a lot sadder, one of my chicks can't walk properly. It tries but can't seem to straighten one leg. It hobbles on it's hock but looks miserable. I checked it over this morning and held it so it could drink and set it down with some food and a few min later it was on the food plate. I had to go out and when I got back I held it to drink again and noticed it seems very unhappy. The leg now seems to be at a much worse angle and the hock is enlarged.
I noticed the others picking on it and when I asked DH if anything had happened while I was out he said there was a LOT of high pitched screaming coming from there but when he looked he couldn't see anything (they were all under the brooder). I'm now wondering if the others could have tread on it and broken the leg? It is defiantly worse than it was this morning and it doesn't want to move now at all.

I guess I'm wondering if it could be anything else that it might have a chance of recovering from or if I should just put the poor thing out of it's misery.

I can't answer your question but I can give you a story.
Meet my speckled sussex, Hoppy, as a chick:

I went through the same thing, should I cull her, should I not... she was eating and drinking (but I had to hold her to do it every hour or two) but couldn't walk. The other chicks picked on her so she got her own brooder. I ended up pulling her leg to stretch it and coban wrapped it (tape that only sticks to itsself to make a cast forcing her to stand on it (I think that was day 3 or so):

I left the cast on for a day or two, can't remember. Had her do some chicken physical therapy:


After awhile she began to heal, it took 2 weeks total:

And here's my beautiful girl:

I only continued with this because she wanted to. She was very energetic, and eating and drinking and pooing. If she wasn't, I would have culled her.

Have you seen

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Who's the little light-colored chickie, hmmm?

(Probably a "splash" huh? Not that I know all that much about the various colorations, I just thought it was cute to see that little light one in amongst its darker hatchmates.)
That light colored one is from my golden comet (sex link) hen & my black silkie rooster. I hatched 3 of those. The other 2 are black, look exactly like a silkies.

The other 7 are silkie/sizzles that I got from pamperedpoulrty here on BYC. 7/8 went to lockdown and all hatched. So I am thrilled. That was my first ever shipped eggs. A great 1st experience.

Had a great day ...... made up for the fact that I re-homed 15 cockerels this am. That was bittersweet...but you all know, what could I do? I can't have roosters everywhere, plus I still have too many. I just need to figure out who needs to go. They are young so I'm just waiting to see.

Now I sit and wait for you all to start hatching....
Ms.FuzzyButts :

Congrats on all the babies!!! I got 14 out of 19.. One pipped and died or I would have had 15.
Hate it when that happens.

Wow! you had a good hatch too! Sorry about the one that didn't make it out. I don't understand how they can make it so far and then not make it out of the shell.

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