Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Thank you featherz and BooBear

I never planed on helping but I felt so bad for this chick. After being skittled and ending up pip down I turned it so it could breath. I figured from that point it could well get shrink wrapped so I'd help it if it didn't progress. It seemed to be fighting really hard before and I was going to help since it was taking so long to zip and when I went to check/help it was zipping so I thought it was ok.

Your fuzzy butts are adorable BooBear, I hope I get at least one out. I really only thought one or at most two were alive after an early temp spike. I did a quick candle and looks like I have one moving so I'm hoping.
RareBreedFancier.. I am so sorry to hear about your chick getting stuck.. I had one last hatch... Was nothing I had done wrong.. Temps and humidity were great.. It pipped and then took a long time to start zipping.. The poor thing got about 1/3 around he egg and died.. If I'd have known the rest of the eggs were already dead, I would have helped it but I promised myself that if there was no error on my part, I would let nature take its course.. It's hard to watch but I also know what I went through with my April hatch last year..

Wolfie... I am right there with you... I have no pips, peeps or anything.. I am on day 20 but since I put them in the bator in the morning, I am starting day 21.. Last hatch I watched a few eggs rocking and this time, I haven't seen a single one move.. Maybe it's because I have them in an egg carton this time and it's limiting their movement... I'm hopeful but also anxious because like you, I also had small air cells at lockdown... I guess I will just wait and see.. These were only a week behind the last hatch so they didn't have much time to lose moisture... I have 18 more that are two weeks behind so maybe I will have better luck with those...

Congrats to the rest of you who have pips, zips and peeps!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Keep the pics coming to keep us staring at the computer instead of the bator!!

Sorry about your chick.
Make sure you have vents open, can't remember what bator you are using, but make sure you have at least one wide open. I have learned the hard way just how much air they really need when hatching. Just a thought that may help others if they start struggling to get out. I had a batch that had drier than normal membranes and they had a really hard time working to get out. I wanted to pump oxygen in there they were breathing so hard. I don't know if that will help, but I know it is really hard to watch them make it that far and then not live.
Hopefully the tumble and roll didn't mess anything up. Wishing you luck.
Sorry to hear you lost the chick. That just plain out sucks.! But don't blame yourself or your DH. Nature has its own way. Beside when the chicks start hatching they knock the other eggs all around, so don't worry about the eggs rolling around.
Best of luck on everyones hatches.....

RareBreedFancier - I am so sorry about the chick. I am really hoping the other one is ok and does wellfor you.

I was up till about midnight last night finishing a small paper for school and checked the bator just before crashing. Couldn't tell for sure if I was seeing slight movement in the eggs or if my eyes/mind were playing tricks on me, but did not see any pips. At 3 AM, I woke up to some peeping and checked. Yep one little one completely out
and just tellin the world at the top of its lungs how good it did. Still nothing on the rest of the eggs, but hopefully when I get home today there will be something.
Three more out for me. And the one 'dead' chick that I helped out (it had pipped with the entire beak and nose out and was just sitting there for hours, barely moving) is floppy but is now standing! I think he was too big for his egg.
I hear some peeps, but I have no pips. Hey that sounds like a country song.

Congrats to all who have hatchlings, pips and peeps and stuff going on.

Hugs to those who have already had losses.

The official bunny countdown. 1 more day!
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Well no new chickies this morning.. there are at least 4 pipped though.. including the 2nd one from yesterday.. hope it zips soon as I am starting to worry about it--almost 20 hours for it.. so just two chicks so far.......
Here's the chick I thought was dead. I am calling him 'mr grumpy'. He's standing!! He looks weird because he pipped out with half his head and got stuck. So half his head is all dried up.

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