Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

good moring,
Two beauties this Fbcm cross and one coal black with black legs...............
Have not gotten my eys focused enough to see what else may be happening................
I ended up helping two Black Australorp chicks out this morning.. One had pipped the wrong end and hadn't been able to do anything else for about 24 hours.. Had the loudest chirp though!! Both of them I think might have been just a little big and couldn't maneuver in the shell.. They are looking pretty good now two hours later.. I agonized all night about helping them and finally this morning made the decision.. Did it in a couple of stages over time... glad I did now..
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got my first cup of coffee down
This no sleep pattern from feeding the baby goat is killing me.
checking the incubater..........
Three out and dry at least one more pip
Hope one of the pink eggs hatch because I cannot figure outwhat breed is laying them.
Either English orps or slw's....they are truley pastel pink.

For sure getting a fan in this LG before next hatch...........

Congratualtions to all on hatches..................

And I send hugs to those who weren't so lucky this time..........

I am really uptight over the coyote situation today..
They sounded right next to the house last night and I think it is a pretty large pack.

Have 13 OO's and 1 NN in for the 21st.i think..........

Oh, wanted to add I intigrated chicks a week apart and they did fine........
It was to sweet.the younger ones would cuddle up to the older ones like they found Mom.
Just one more thing..............Thank you to all for the thread this time.
It really does help he wait time and I feel like i make new friends...............
congrats to all with the new chickies!!

My last egg still has not hatched. Today is day 21 for it so I will wait to see if anything happens.
Here are some pics real quick.

SCG! Here are 2 of your babies, the others are still drying off.

Leghorn mix


EE mix

Here are my backyard mixes. 3/4 Ameraucana ans 1/4 silkie. Some came out with blackskin, feathered legs and 5 toes, and other came out with 4 toes and white skin.


Check out these cheeks!

Quick group shot of all the 1 day olds. 4 quail are in there somewhere. They love to cuddle under the big chicks.

AWWW SOOOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing!

Unbelievable that you got mostly non NN

You got some bad luck!

Well you sent a dozen and so I figure the ones that didn't make it in shipping were my Naked Neck ones, and the ones that hatched were the other 50% chance. LOL! I am still hoping for this little one in the bator to make it! Don't worry I still love them all! I had 4 make it from that dozen and they spent a whole extra day in the mail in freezing temps.
Maybe when it warms up I will have to try again and get some more eggs from you. Thank you so much for sending them.
Congrats to all of you with little fuzzy butts!! I'm
the pics!! I will get some more up in a bit! I've had a total of 8 hatch so far... I had one this morning that was about 1/3 zipped and then for whatever reason it stopped.. Humidity was high (65%-70%) but it still looked like the membrane was getting dry (started turning yellow)...

I had the other one that pipped through the yolk also.. So, I took the bator into the bathroom and steamed it up really good and while it was still steaming up, I put the bator next to the shower for the most steam and grabbed one egg at a time... The one that was partially zipped was already dead.. I don't know if it was just too weak or what.. The one that had pipped through the yolk I took some of the shell off and it was still alive.. I wrapped it in some wet tissue about 1/2 way around the shell and put it back in the bator... I had to take my son to the dr and when i got back, the poor thing was STILL in the shell.. The poor thing couldn't move because it was too big for the egg.. I went ahead and took about 1/2 the shell off, one vein bled a little so I put a wet tissue on it until it stopped and then slid the inner membrane off of it... I went ahead and let it kick the shell off on it's own to "exercise" it and once it was out of the shell, I put it and the half shell back in the bator... So far it seems to be doing ok.. Maybe a little weaker than the rest but otherwise fine...

I had 2 others hatch while I was gone and 2 more pips.... I went ahead and moved the 5 dry babies to the brooder and took out the shells...


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