Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Not real awake yet but still smiling about that little one that surprized me this A.M.

I have been giving a lot of thought to the suggestions that we each find what is best for our own area.
( concerning humidity)
I popped the humidity up to 75 thiis time and had a much better hatch than the last two.......
I had been so afraid of drowning them.

Ordered BO eggs because I am a lilttle nuts.............

Good morning all. I am a little late with the pictures I was going to put up on Sunday. I slept in pretty late, then the school work took over. But here we go

All 3


Not quite twins



And these are the NYH babies that looked almost exactly the same




I hope everyone is doing well

edited to fix a picture
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Just bought two more hens today.

Gives me 2 trios, so now I have to learn some quail stuff.

I want tiny babies like those.

Trying to get pics up of my 4 little Wellies, but my phone is mad at me I guess, so I'll post them as soon as I can.
Wolftracks, go read the stickies on the Quail forums. I have been reading and learning alot! I have 4 baby coturnix and need to figure them out.
Cute little stinkers with lots of personality and attitude. I hope I get 4 hens and 1 roo out of these, that would be perfect. If not I am going to have to get some more eggs to hatch.
I bought mine from the lady at the feedstore. My roos were 4 bucks and my hens were $4.50. They're probably 4-5 weeks old. I bought a quail pen last week at the auction for $5, but it's all wire and I want to keep them outside. My garage smells like a barn with those guys in there. Didn't know they smelled worse that chickens. I'm thinking about using the wire cage and putting a nesting box on each side. It's got 2 compartments. I can cover them with tarps, but I do need to read more, so I don't let them freeze to death.

I had no idea what I picked out other than I liked the different colors and wanted at least 2 trios. They are nice and fat and healthy, so I hope they grow nice and quick and start laying in a month or so. If they hold out like my chickens, they'll be a snack!

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