Chirping in the egg...UPDATE! Turken didn't make it

If the chick has completely zipped around the egg, it will not hurt at all to pull the top of the egg off it. It may be stuck to it. But ONLY if its completely zipped because there are veins running through the mebrane and if one is broken the chick could bleed out. And if its not completely zipped you could turn the egg a tiny bit so that you can kinda open up the egg and see how its doing.

Like i said it may be actually stucck to the top of the egg, if you do this though, get a q tip and a cup of warm water to help keep it moist.

keep us updated!
do not open the incubator. you are putting all other eggs at risk if you do. leave it closed. leave humidity high. you said it's moving and chirping.
I totally agree with the previous post from Nikkumz. I don't buy into the never help thing. On my last hatch, one of the chicks was definitely stuck. If I hadn't helped it out after external pipping, it would have died and it would have been due to humidity issues, not the health of the chick. I generally let them go as long as possible, but if the membrane starts turning white from drying, I step in with tweezers and a wet cotton swap. Like the other posts have said, you have to watch for blood vessels and whether the yolk has been absorbed. Good luck!

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Opening the bator for just a quick moment is not going to keep your othe reggs from hatching, if it makes you feel any better, have your hubby or kids or soemone stand next to you with a water bottle and warm water and have them spray a few warm sprasy in on the other eggs....OR

put a big towel over your head and over the bator to open it real quick, i know its hard when people are telling you not to open it, but from the last pic you posted we can all se the membranse was starting to dry out, i had a chick stuck on the egg so bad that when i finally helped it actually pulled some of the down off it

Have any of the other chicks pipped at all?
Its all really up to you on the decision
keep us posted though! And new pics if possible!
it did not make it
.. right after I typed the last post I checked again and it had stopped breathing... I opened the egg. The chick was a Turken and it most definitely was stuck it's head was tucked under it's little wing. I tried to revive him by rubbing gently but he let out one last peep opened its beak ... so I know he gone. I feel awful. Instead of waiting for replies here I should've just followed my instincts and removed the top

I think it was male because it already had a comb forming... but I obviously am no expert.
He may be resting you know, i would give him a couple more minutes in there, did you take the top off?.

I'm so sorry though! but give him a few minutes
please put a warm, wet sponge in your incubator to raise the humidity for the other eggs.

please keep humidity at proper levels - - this includes NOT opening the incubator. for any reason. it can take hours (literally) for your hygrometer to recognize a drop, or increase, in humidity.

i am sorry for the loss.

also, just for your information, a chick deprived of humidity (a stuck chick) can have other serious issues (deformed chick, mental issues with the chick, blindness, etc, etc). please read about this. removing the top of an egg is just that....removing the top of the egg. humidity is important the last three days of incubation. that's why there is a "no opening the incubator" rule.

8, or even 9, times out of 10 - - folks who have humidity issues (a stuck chick) is because they keep opening their incubator - - because they are human and can control everything - - they know best.

if you're going to be the nurse, be prepared. you may not just be removing the top of an egg.
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