Chirping inside shell... question

I've noticed mine start peeping about 24 hrs. before hatch. And what is cool is if you tap the glass or whisle at them they peep back.
I just did that!
its so cute. I'm almost on day 20 here..
Still plenty of time, good luck!

Sending lots of happy hatching vibes your way!

ETA, do NOT open that incubator!
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I just wanted to share that the little egg I was worried about hatched without issue. She:fl is resting in the bator drying off and willl join her siblings in the brooder tomorrow. The little peeper hadnt done anything since pipping and then I went to take a shower, came out, and had a fully hatched little one.
I was actually going to post about this very same thing, and don't mean to hijack the thread- thought it was better than having 2 separate posts abt the same thing. Sorry.

I moved the eggs out of the turner this morning and heard peeping/chirping.

I am ***freaking out*** because it is only day day 18!

I read somewhere that banties can hatch on day 20, but that is 2 days away! I don't want them to be preemies and have problems or not make it.

I am sure I counted the days correctly (24 hours after putting them in the bator was day 1- I put them in at 8am on 2/26).

The humidity is boosted now, and the bator has been moved from the diningroom table to hubbies desk in the bedroom (won't he be surprised when he gets home from work!), because the cat also heard the peeping noise.

Is this normal to to peep so early? What if they hatch early? This is my first time incubating. Can I have some hand holding pleeaase?????

I know- don't open the bator, don't open the bator, don't open the bator.


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