Chirping sounds


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2022
Hello, was just wondering if anyone knows what this sound my chick is making means, or if it has no meaning. When i play this sound back to my chick they respond to it by making the same sound.

Amazing! It sounds like song! Can't say as I've ever heard a chick make a sound like that, and I've raised a lot of chicks. It sounds happy, though.
Amazing! It sounds like song! Can't say as I've ever heard a chick make a sound like that, and I've raised a lot of chicks. It sounds happy, though.
Thats cool! I've heard him make that sound many times but that time he sounded like he was coughing 😅
One of mine was making that sort of sound, like a songbird, as I was driving them home from the farm store the day I got them. Pretty sure it was the sapphire gem.
Mines a little australorp, he was really sick when he hatched and didnt eat or drink, today hes 5 days old and finally has started to eat by himself. :)
There is a sound all chicks make when they snuggle together to nap or sleep for the night. It's called trilling, and it's the unquestionably most contented sound chicks make. The sound your chick is making is close to trilling, but the chick seems to have its own style.
There is a sound all chicks make when they snuggle together to nap or sleep for the night. It's called trilling, and it's the unquestionably most contented sound chicks make. The sound your chick is making is close to trilling, but the chick seems to have its own style.
Ooo i see! Whenever its near night time he does make that sound

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