CHIVE: BR Hen - Red Swollen Butt, but layed an egg! Help? PICS


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Stratflord, CT
So. I've been doing some digging through the threads on the possibility of what a red swollen, underside might be with little positive outcomes but, I just wanted some clarification if possible.

I have a Barred Rock hen that has a red back-end that seems swollen and almost squishy, but not. She eats normally, poops normally, and seems to drink normally, but does appear to be a bit skinnier than she used to be. She went through a half molt a month or so ago, and while her sister is resplendent in her new feathers, this one never quite made it all the way through gracefully, so I'm not sure if hormone levels change during molt or what but, just thought I'd add that info in case anyone finds it important.

I've also read about the horrors of internal laying but, can a chicken lay a physical egg and still be an internal layer? It was a bit larger than an average egg, but otherwise the same consistency of any of our other eggs. I've read that yolk can back up in their system, or masses can accumulate in their ovaries, so I was wondering if anyone could offer an idea on whether that's it and should I expect to put her down humanely in the near future. For the moment she doesn't seem to be suffering, and she did lay an egg today (the swelling and redness didn't dissipate), but I was hoping someone else had some insight onto what's the best course of action for her.

I will post pictures tomorrow if it would help. We have her segregated in a dog crate for the moment and she's cozily sleeping in her make shift nest box.

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Until someone else with more experience jumps in here....

I had a hen that was like that. All signs pointed to her being an internal layer or egg-bound. I was sure she going to die. She ended up being fine and didn't seem to have any health problems at least for a month or so before I sold her. (I sold her, but pointed out her mystery red-bottom to them.)

So, if her hen is acting normally and laying eggs, she may end up being just fine. Check for parasites like red mite or lice.
A picture may help. If you don't think that she is an internal layer, Ascites and Egg Yolk Peronitis are other diseases/disorders that can cause a squishy, red abdomen.
Chive laid another egg today and seems quite happy in her segregation. She's been eating and drinking readily, has oyster shell available, and the egg she laid is an average size that we normally get. The swelling or redness still hasnn't gone down though, so I'm not quite sure what that means.

Here are some pictures though:

I'd say it's about the size of a tennis ball, maybe a little smaller.
Any thoughts?
it looks like it could be blowout just keep her away from the flock and give her some rest i think it heals over time i would do some minor research on it
I think blowout refers to prolapsed vent, and the vent looks normal. She does look a little like pictures I have seen of egg yolk peritonitis with the red swollen abdomen. They tend to look bald there. Speckled Hen has some informative threads about internal layers on BYC. Could any of the other chickens have picked her feathers there? Here is one thread for reading:
Would you be willing to keep this thread updated with how she does over time and what you find out? I was baffled by my hen that had this and would love to hear what you find out for future reference.
I'm rather confident it's not prolapse, as there's nothing hanging out at all - no blood or tears. It's just like a round, red, extended area well below the vent that sticks out. She doesn't seem overly bothered by it, but I'll try documenting her progress, good or bad, and see what happens.

I'll try to take pictures of her poo too, as I read for egg yolk peritonitis it can show up in there. Hoping it's not that but, at this point she's not prolapsed and she's not egg bound so, there aren't many other options left. She's always been pretty high in the hierarchy so, I don't think it would have been feather picking, especially with it being extended. It's not just a reddened area.

I'll keep everyone updated, and I'll post more pictures later.

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