Chocolate Orps have landed in the States!

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Not an Orpington but she's definitely Chocolate. Here is my Serama hen, Truffles.



Those are all nice!! I specialize in the chocolate and dunn genes. They may be worth every penny he ask for any. I imported the Ohiki and just now after 9 years will be able to start letting them go. Only 3 other people pretty much have I let have them...So I love those orps, and the little seramas also. The Serama chok is recessive and the chocolate here in the states is dominate. So we now have them all... Nice!! I would even like to have a few of those....Does he have a email or phone so I can talk to him/her?.. If you need to know about me just google my name. Toni-Marie Astin...Thanks...
How on earth did you guys slip this discussion by me for so long? I just came across it today. Very interesting information.
I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, UNCONDITIONALLY, DESPERATLY DESIRE TO BE ON THE WAIT LIST!!! I don't want hatching eggs, but I will take anything else...
If you don't want and won't take hatching eggs, that doesn't make you very desperate or in need.
Just sayin'
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