Chook Contest With Prize 2

Ok thanks for bearing with me everyone, and thank you for the great photos!
After a lot of hard deliberation here's a list of 8 finalists (this was so difficult to choose

Perfect Polish








Out of these, two people's entries were standout to me, HopieGirl4Ever and ChaboEmelie. This is actually the hardest decision I've ever had to make on a contest
But I'm gonna have to give first place to

Amazing photo. Congratulations. I'll start on your drawing soon!

@ChaboEmelie here's your beautiful chook. I'm finally done with this drawing. I was going to put a bit of colour on it, but uni's photoshop license has expired (that's the only thing I had to use). Hope you like!

The contest is probably not going to restart until my next holiday. Between semesters 1 and 2 I have three weeks' off, so I'll post a new contest during swotvac (June-ish, before exams) and be ready to draw by the break
I'm taking an extra subject this semester and keeping all but one of my jobs, so I'm gonna be busy. see you all in June!

You're welcome, and colouring it is fine with me. I'd love to see it when you're done!

@ChaboEmelie here's your beautiful chook. I'm finally done with this drawing. I was going to put a bit of colour on it, but uni's photoshop license has expired (that's the only thing I had to use). Hope you like!

The contest is probably not going to restart until my next holiday. Between semesters 1 and 2 I have three weeks' off, so I'll post a new contest during swotvac (June-ish, before exams) and be ready to draw by the break
I'm taking an extra subject this semester and keeping all but one of my jobs, so I'm gonna be busy. see you all in June!

Great drawing!! Good work.
Hey thanks!! I might even be doing another contest sooner because I've decided to drop the fifth subject. Might as well take it slowly. I'm not in the right place mentally to have so many jobs right now :p

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