Chook eye is closed most of time but can still open and looks slightly puffy compared to the other.


In the Brooder
Jan 10, 2021
My fullgrown Australorp hen has had one of her eyes closed that she can still open and looks puffy compared to her other eye.
She's been like this since we woke up (4 hours).
Prior to this she was lethargic she wasn't eating or drinking and we treated her with some antibiotics for a week then she recovered from whatever it was but she seemed to gain some side affects where she was more slow but otherwise she fully recovered. (that was 4 months ago)
Now we have her in our backyard with other australorp chicks we've hatched, though we take her inside to sleep(we have her in an open box wish lemon grass as bedding) unlike the chicks because she's turned into some sort of famy pet we still take her outside every day.
We have her chook food for her to eat but aloy of the time she eats the chick starter over near the chick boxes.
She currently is still in her box even though we put it outside she usually goes out of her box by now so its slightly concerning
If anyone can help that'd be great I'm looking for a way to treat her myself. :)


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They say chickens hide pain, but they really do not. They may not moan and complain as we humans love to do when we're miserable, but they do show their suffering if we recognize the signs. If a foot is sore, they peck at it, if a leg hurts they hold it up under their belly. If an ear hurts, they scratch it with a foot. If they have a belly ache, they hold their tail down low and flat. A closed eye, especially if the other eye is open, means the eye hurts. A lot.

Most likely, your hen has a simple eye infection such as pinkeye. It's painful, but not serious as long as you treat it so it clears up. Not treating a simple eye infection can risk the chicken going blind.

Most feed stores carry terramycin eye antibiotic ointment. The treatment consists of flushing the eye daily with saline eye wash, then putting a tiny dab of the terramycin in the affected eye twice a day until the infection clears up. Your hen will let you know it's better when she looks back at you with two bright eyes.
They say chickens hide pain, but they really do not. They may not moan and complain as we humans love to do when we're miserable, but they do show their suffering if we recognize the signs. If a foot is sore, they peck at it, if a leg hurts they hold it up under their belly. If an ear hurts, they scratch it with a foot. If they have a belly ache, they hold their tail down low and flat. A closed eye, especially if the other eye is open, means the eye hurts. A lot.

Most likely, your hen has a simple eye infection such as pinkeye. It's painful, but not serious as long as you treat it so it clears up. Not treating a simple eye infection can risk the chicken going blind.

Most feed stores carry terramycin eye antibiotic ointment. The treatment consists of flushing the eye daily with saline eye wash, then putting a tiny dab of the terramycin in the affected eye twice a day until the infection clears up. Your hen will let you know it's better when she looks back at you with two bright eyes.
Thank you very much 😊

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