Choosing a Broody?

I think it's the 5th try (at least I've successfully broken all my broodies, right?), I believe I've gotten one grafted. FINALLY.

So I gave her 8 eggs this morning.

Mixed batch -- some Marans crosses, a California White egg, and some of the random light brown ones that are *mostly* from the Australorps.

Last hatch with Ludwig as a possible father. I'm not going to incubate again until at least early September.
I can't let them sit in the main nests. There's no keeping 20 other hens out of them and they keep ending up in a different box after they take a break.

Also, my nests are 3 feet off the ground because I installed them with my bad back in mind. No stooping for eggs.
Any chance you could hardware cloth her in and let her out for regular broody breaks? We did that at the end but only had 13 hens to contend with. The latest one wound up regularly on a different nest so I totally understand that wouldn't work for actual incubation of eggs

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