Chop head off = hard to pluck. True?


10 Years
Oct 4, 2009
So I just have to ask, if you chop a chickens head off and then try to pluck, will it really be a lot harder then other methods of slaughter (pithing or slicing).

Very curious as we prefer to chop their heads off, are not comfortable to do pithing, and prefer to not slice the jugular. Our roosters from our laying flock are just skinned because we don't care for it anyways, but when we do our meat chickens ourselves, we want to know if we will have to learn how to pithe.

They aren't related.

The scald is the key to a good pluck, getting the hot water to relax the follicle is what makes the feather come out.
I only chop heads and the hot water does the trick everytime!
Thank you both! I've really wanted to know because I just do not feel comfortable slicing throats. I've heard this old jargon repeated a LOT by many different people, but I trust you both seeing as you have actually done it lol.
We use an ax to chop the head off ours. Other posts are right it is the scald that counts in plucking. As for skinning one it shouldn't make a difference anyway.
Only do one bird at a time. That way the feathers don't get time to set. If there are more than one of you picking, you might try two, but never let them sit or the feathers will be hard to pluck. Kill, drain, scald, pluck in rapid order.


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