Chose an egg to root for! - Hatch-Along

The breeds are barnyard mixes. IDK the dark eggs hatch looking like BCM, but they may have a blue ear lobe.
My very last hatch of the eggs..
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I hatched out 34/36 last year (this hen raised them.)
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This one was my favorite. One silver chick out of 34.
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This is her as an adult she lays blue eggs
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Holy guacamole! That's a lot of chicks for one hen to care for. She is "Super Hen"
Horse girl Abby- you are close, and you can come get some of these for your birthday when they hatch since you are E. WA too!
I would love that!! Unfortunately I’m already a victim of chicken math, and I don’t currently have room for more babies. I will cheer them on from here!
Abs..don't tell your sister!
Heheh 😈
Bobi, you are a fabulous egg! Keep on growing!

egg ei GIF by KiKA

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