Chose an egg to root for! - Hatch-Along

Good morning, Bobi and Mary!

I'm in a NYC 'burb. My traffic looks like Kiki's! My job is 13 miles away, nearly all highway, and it takes 30 minutes in the morning and 40 coming home. And that's during slightly off hours.
Sheesh, I drive 36 miles each way, takes about 40 minutes, still too long but at least it isn't traffic jams! I worked around Seattle WA for a few months, that was pretty close to your commute, I think it was less than 10 miles but stop and go the whole way there so 40 min to work and an hour home, so many cars!

Good morning Other Frank and Lona! You are doing so well! Grow strong, don't rush, winning is great, but doing things right will set you up for a long wonderful life 🥰
Sheesh, I drive 36 miles each way, takes about 40 minutes, still too long but at least it isn't traffic jams! I worked around Seattle WA for a few months, that was pretty close to your commute, I think it was less than 10 miles but stop and go the whole way there so 40 min to work and an hour home, so many cars!

Good morning Other Frank and Lona! You are doing so well! Grow strong, don't rush, winning is great, but doing things right will set you up for a long wonderful life 🥰
It can easily take an hour to drive 30 miles around here depending on the time of day.

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