Christmas 2014 Hatch-a-Long (12-25-14)

Congratulations to all the early birds, I also have two that hatched early here so far. And it's only day 19! Looking like action in a couple more at the moment, but as they are in egg cartons it limits their mobility, I won't really know until they pip. But I can see them rock slightly now and then. Will take some pictures once they dry off a little
We are having some fun here. Both chicks 2 and 3 started zipping at the same time. So, there is a running commentary of "race" updates. LOL! There were neck and neck, but it appears chick number 3 is pulling to the front. Don't count chick number 2 out just yet. They little guy is fighting back hard. At this point it could be anyones race. LOL!
And that is it folks! Chick number 3 has broken out of the shell first. It was a a tough battle. Chick number two hasn't given up yet, and is still fighting hard. The finish line is so close now.
Congrats to all who chicks pipping & hatching. I am up to 14 in lockdown, but absolutely nothing happening. 5 on day 19 and 9 on day 18. Not used to this suspence. My first 2 hatches I had early pipers & hatches. Don't know what to think this time, only time will tell.
He (or she) has made it folks. Chick number two has finally broken out of their shell, and is receiving a few "congratulatory" pecks from chicks 1 and 3. Good job little guys, now just 8 more to go. Hehehe.
Call me crazy, but I heard a peep! One of the eggs peeped! :jumpy

I want more chicks other tge the blacks, the ones I have are cute and all, but I want a white one or something :D.

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