Christmas in October block Swap

Good Morning! At least here it is late morning! Sitting here listening to the sounds of my chickens in the yard, the birds singing, and the locusts chirping. So peaceful and calm!! Hope everyone is having a great day! It is a beautiful day here. Blue skies, low humidity, nice temps.
I wish I were more computer savvy!
I'm trying to transfer some info from hard drive from old computer to new one. But don't know how to just transfer the programs I want. So I'm taking a break.
A very dear and very generous person sent me a gift of a wonderful little quilting book, "For Keeps" by Amy Gibson. I'm taking my break from frustrating computer, to relaxing, reading my new book, wishing I could go buy lots of wonderful fabric and do nothing but create some wonderful treasures!! (sigh)
I'm planning my sewing/craft room. How do you that have a sewing room, have it set up? Pics would be nice!
On another thread, Blooie posted a pic of her sweet little camper that someone gave her. She has it fixed up so cute. It is her sewing place. Adorable. I'm wanting to set mine up so I have a large cutting surface, sewing and ironing station all convenient so I'm not getting up and down all the time from machine to ironing board. I've been searching pinterest and other sites but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. My new quilt book has good tips for organizing fabric that I'm going to use. Just need some planning ideas for setting up work area.
Well, I need to get busy! Enough daydreaming!
I am making (or about to start) a wedding gift for my nephew and his bride to be, I found the perfect backing fabric online. The site had a minimum order for free shipping seems I could spend $10 in shipping or buy $15 of fabric, hummmmm let me think about that for a minute!!! lol lol lol
I am making (or about to start) a wedding gift for my nephew and his bride to be, I found the perfect backing fabric online. The site had a minimum order for free shipping seems I could spend $10 in shipping or buy $15 of fabric, hummmmm let me think about that for a minute!!! lol lol lol
decisions, decisions!!!

I have lots of these for storing my fabric, the draws don't look very deep but they are just right for fat quarters. I have them stacked one on top of the other by not putting wheels on the ones on the top row.
OHC, don't know if the following is of use. I sit at right angles to the table where I have an ironing block, iron and extension lead for the iron which has a light on so I can see if I've turned it off! I also have a cutting board on the table too. For big amounts of cutting I have a larger board where I can stand. That's on a bench at about the same height as a kitchen work surface. My machine is in a SewEasy table which is supposed to be for me to take to workshops but is so useful at home, it never goes anywhere anymore. Before I had it I found a small table, just big enough for the machine, at a car boot sale. If you can set up your machine so that the sewing bed is at the same height as your main table then you won't get a stiff neck so easily. That's why you need a cheap table for the sewing machine so you can cut the legs down if necessary. Or get your hubby to make one, but make sure that he smooths off the edges so your fabric doesn't snag. I have a chair on wheels, the simpler the better, a secretary's chair with no arms is best because you can just twizzle between machine, iron and cutting board. When you are quilting, you can move the iron, board and cutting board off the table, turn your sewing machine table so that the main table can take most of the weight of the quilt. This is where having the machine sewing bed the same height as the table really helps.

Well, that's my set up. Hopefully there will be something amongst all this that will be helpful.
Thank you for sharing what works for you, fenrosie and majack! I think they are fine suggestions.
I'm going to go over some of my ideas with DH this evening and try to get measurements and figure out a layout.
I have bought an armoire almost exactly like the one on this link:
However, I do not have it set up yet, plus my plan is to make the sewing table a bit different. I want it to include areas for ironing and cutting fabrics as well. This will not store all of my fabrics though so I need to figure that part out as well... most likely in a different room. The armoire is in my dining room... still empty.
Very Nice! I like that arrangement. I like the organizers inside and on the doors. Good ideas!
Well ladies, went to class yesterday for the stack and whack. I absolutely had a blast! It was so much fun, and I learned some new things! This is probably the easiest quilt project I've ever done. And the best part was I got to use the janome skyline machine! I can't even begin to tell you how much of a dream it is to use. I never realized how much wasted time you spend on a machine you have to turn the wheel to get started, finding my scissors to cut thread, (I'm habitually misplacing them) or pulling out fabric from the needle plate where the first stitch gets tangled, and there is a knot of thread you have to pick out! None of that was an issue yesterday! So much more sewing time! I still had to take out one seam of my first block. Forgot to line my center up, but after that, smooth sailing! I love that machine!!!

I'm trying to post pics, but having some issues. Will be back when I get it figured out.
I'm looking on the thread on how to post a pic. I'm looking at the video. The icon he choose to post pics doesn't look like mine. also, when I choose the icon to post, I don't get Browse. I get" imbed an image" and under that, upload files. When I choose that, it goes to all of my files on computer, I choose pictures, choose the ones I want to use and there is a number under them, but not a jpg extension. Can anyone tell me how to get to the jpg files, or what I should be doing that I'm not?
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