Christmas is comming. Please don't give pets for gifts.

Gee, ya think?
Okay so he won't be here until February, but he is my Christmas gift.

I bet you are excited!

I cant wait to see him!
I got my puppy as an early Christmas gift this year - but I looked for what I wanted for like 6 months. I love him to bits and so does our crazy white ninja dog.

I don't know why anyone would just give someone a random pet as a gift though...
The only time I have ever given a pet as a gift is when there was a ton of conversation between the parents and we all went to pick out the kitten together. All the gear was wrapped as gifts for the child too. She was 6 years old at the time and her parents planned to get her a kitten for Christmas. That child never let go of that kitten either. She is 16 now and the cat, Holly, is still with her.
Oh boy if I want to give my kids a pet as a gift I will. I have to say that I have read very few posts here where I got the impression that the owner of (choose your animal here) was an irresponsible pet owner. Sure there are a few but it sure isn't the norm here. The overwhelming majority here don't really need a lecture on pet ownership. I know I don't.
Sarahbeth unfortunately there are more than a few. The RSPCA here in Sydney will put down an estimated 64,000 unwanted pets here in the Sydney Metro area in early 2010. Australia that is. I just want people to think what they are doing and I want responsible pet owners like us to endorce it to future pet owners what they are up for. Still the simple fact is there are too many pets homeless and not enough people thinking before they jump.
Have to say we are a city of 8 million, but is it fair. Did these animals ask for it. Not to even have a chance to live?
What about all those that didn't even make it to the animal welfare? What about them?
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Ooops, too late, I've already gotten pets as a surprise for my 8 year old daughter this Christmas. Two gerbils!
She got them last week and was very surprised, and happy. She named them Nibble and Carmel (both females), Good thing for her that she has an animal loving mother who doesn't mind taking care of her pets for her.
I have gave several pets as surprise gifts over the years. All of which are still in those homes or have died of old age in those homes. I gave my brother a Boston Terrier for his birthday this year after his 8 year old ferret that I gave him for a Christmas died. The only one that did not work out was a Pug that was asked for by my cousins wife. I took it back an had no problem finding a home for him.
I agree that not all gifted pets eind up out on the street. The ones that I have a problem with are ducks and chicks at Easter. People have no idea what goes into caring for birds.

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