Christmas is comming. Please don't give pets for gifts.

You know what here in the states there are tons of unwanted animals in shelters. I think you just got your target audience wrong. A site overflowing with people who for the most part are responsible animal owners is not the demographic that needs a lecture on making sure an animal is cared for. While I agree that shelters full of animals is terrible I wouldn't target animal lovers to lecture.
Thread hijack for a second just to say...


That's all.
Robin'sBrood :

Ooops, too late, I've already gotten pets as a surprise for my 8 year old daughter this Christmas. Two gerbils!
She got them last week and was very surprised, and happy. She named them Nibble and Carmel (both females), Good thing for her that she has an animal loving mother who doesn't mind taking care of her pets for her.

Three lashes for you with a wet noodle you surprise animal giver. One of my greatest memories is surprising my daughter with a kitten. She was so happy she literally cried tears of joy. We still have our sweet kitty too.​
Three lashes for you with a wet noodle you surprise animal giver. One of my greatest memories is surprising my daughter with a kitten. She was so happy she literally cried tears of joy. We still have our sweet kitty too.

I think the difference is that you guys were the PARENT of the gift-receiving child. You gave the child a pet knowing full well that you might have to take care of it yourself.

The injustice is when aunty-who-only-comes-to-visit-once-a-year dumps a surprise puppy, and of course 6 year old Sara thinks it's cute, but neither of them will be the one cleaning up accidents from the carpet and paying for training and vetting. Ya know??
Get your pets, no matter what sex spaded/desexed.

Don't you think spading a cat or dog would be pretty mean? Whacking 'em with a spade and all...

Sorry, just felt the need to pick at you in a friendly manner.

I agree with your post absolutely, I HATE seeing "christmas" puppies/kittens/horses.
Don't you think spading a cat or dog would be pretty mean? Whacking 'em with a spade and all...

That's what most people say around here too. I find it funny, but heck if they're getting their pet "fixed" that's all I really care about!
Three lashes for you with a wet noodle you surprise animal giver. One of my greatest memories is surprising my daughter with a kitten. She was so happy she literally cried tears of joy. We still have our sweet kitty too.

I think the difference is that you guys were the PARENT of the gift-receiving child. You gave the child a pet knowing full well that you might have to take care of it yourself.

The injustice is when aunty-who-only-comes-to-visit-once-a-year dumps a surprise puppy, and of course 6 year old Sara thinks it's cute, but neither of them will be the one cleaning up accidents from the carpet and paying for training and vetting. Ya know??

This is one gal who wouldn't be suckered by aunty-who-only-comes-to-visit-once-a-year. Said aunty would be leaving with animal in tow after being told how rude and insensitive it is to give a child a pet without the parents permission. I would also explain to my child why we couldn't keep the animal and that aunty was rude and insensitive to not think of my childs feelings if we couldn't keep the animal. Again this site isn't full of members who would just give pets as gifts willy nilly. Wrong audience.
We had a family buy one of our Mini Labradoodles who were gifted a German Shepherd puppy for Christmas. The dog was just far too big for the children to handle and care for, it shedded everywhere and they just couldn't handle the animal. The kids were upset, but they eventually rehomed the dog and went on a search for a new dog that the children could handle. They found us and ended up with a 15lb, way more manageable pet.

I TOTALLY agree, NOT PETS FOR CHRISTMAS. It is NOT a good idea ever.

Horses as christmas gifts are the absolute worst idea. I went to test ride a well trained belgian mare who I decided was too much horse for me. She was purchased by another family who had test ridden her at the same time for their daughter for christmas. I saw the daughter as I was coming in, she could barely control the mare, was about 100lbs and had no control over that animal.

2 months later? I saw she was up for sale for peanuts on Kijiji.
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I can't imagine giving a pet to a child that wasn't mine. Or having a relative give my child a pet without permission. The thought of doing something like that has never entered my 42 year old brain... why would anyone think that is a good idea?

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