Christmas is comming. Please don't give pets for gifts.

I don't think the OP intended to offend anyone, I think a surprise spur of the moment (no research) gift to someone that does NOT live in your house, who may or may not want/need another animal.

Honestly Even if my pet died (ferret to dog/dog to dog, cat to cat ect) I'd have to have someone else pick one for me- I know both the animals I can control and like and most people don't know that I've been attacked by a large breed dog and don't like most small breed dogs. (they are fine to visit, they are even welcome to visit in my house) so with MY luck someone (cousin) would get me a 'naturally protective' large breed dog- knowing that I rescue/have trained they would not even get a puppy...

"I saw this beautiful dog, I know how you love to help animals and that your car got broken into- he'll make a great guard dog and he's so pretty."

then I'd have to rehome it...
That's how we've ended up with several of our cats. Right after we moved here I caught two of a litter. Someone had dumped Momma kitty and her babies into the ditch. Another very pregnant cat was dumped here and had her litter. She and what's left of the babies she delivered have been spayed (thank goodness for the humane society and their low cost spaying van) but are still somewhat feral which is okay as we haven't seen ANY mice in this house in forever.
I'm a pretty peaceful, spiritual person but I really hope there's a special hell for people who beat children and abuse animals.
Surprise animals? No! No! NO!

A planned addition of a pet? It depends. I brough home my sweet pup two years ago - a couple of weeks before Christmas. We had no plans to travel or to entertain on a large scale. Both of my teens and I were going to be home all day everyday. Ended up, housebreaking was a breeze and our dog LOVES playing in snow.

I did see an online ad today, an ad for Christmas Chicks. I thought "oh, brother." Give me a break, people! It's Michigan. It's cold. People are often away from home during the holidays. Anyone who is equipped for Michigan Winter Chicks is probably too sensible to have them.
Three years ago I got a puppy for christmas, she's sleeping in the corner as we speak. my so asked for hermit crabs last year, they are a strictly a hands off pet so I do most of the care, although i do i joyfully as I love animals:) On a sad note I adopted a bunch of hermit crabs when walmart stopped selling them, one just passed away today it didn't servive the moult RIP little guy:(

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