Christmas Tree = Extreme Fire Hazard

We spray pine scent around ours.....
No way I'm sticking a dead tree in my living room...except in the fireplace. One spark from the fireplace and WHOOOOOOOOOOSH. Bye bye house.

Artificial tree it will remain...
one year DH showed the kids how fast a x-mas tree can go up in flames. he took it out in the backyard after we were done with it, flicked his bick next to a branch and it was ingulfed in flames 30 seconds later. WOOF!
I have this argument with my son every year. I have never had a real tree as an adult. Last spring his house burned down, and he is STILL getting a real one. Kids.
I love real trees MUCH better than fake ones.
That being said.. we have a fake one right now.

I think with ANY tree.. you just need to be extra careful.. like dont leave the lights on when you arent at home or when you are asleep..
We only have the tree on when we are up and awake and home.
We've done the pre-lit artificial for years. This year I think I am going to buy/rent a live tree, (yes, a local nursery will rent live Christmas trees to folks!), the kind with roots and all. I just really miss the scent of the tree and even the hassle of watering everyday and the sap on my hands from stringing those danged lights. I'm hoping a live tree wont drop as many needles.

We always turn off the lights at night and if we arent home. I disconnect the individual strings at night as well, just in case.
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