Chronically Late people

Well, I left him at the side of the road once, but that is a whole 'nother story.

Hehehe. And he unfriended you on FB.

I am terminally early, and late people make me crazy.
I am freakishly on time, almost always. For some reason I am EXTREMELY conscientious about it. Unless there's an emergency I'm never late, and if I arrive what might be considered too early, I'll drive around the block or wait in my vehicle until about 5 minutes before I'm due. It can bite me in the butt though, because my Doctor, for example asks that we arrive 15 minutes early, so I do, like a sucker. Of course, he's always running 15 minutes behind, so I end up sitting in the waiting room for a half an hour.
I'm the exact same way, except my doctor doesn't ask you to be early. If you're more than 15 minutes late they'll charge you for that appointment and make you reschedule it though. If I have an appointment at 1pm I leave my house at noon or a teeny bit before. My doctor is about 30 minutes away from my house and I always end up getting there way before I need to be and just end up sitting in my car until about five minutes before I need to go inside.

I'm extremely picky about being on time to things. I will usually leave about a half an hour early just to make sure I'm on time. I tend to get stopped by trains a lot (especially if I'm in a hurry) so I don't want to risk having someone waiting for me. If there's even the slightest chance that I'll be even a minute late, I'll call whomever and let them know that I'm on my way and about how far away I am.
I'm the exact same way, except my doctor doesn't ask you to be early. If you're more than 15 minutes late they'll charge you for that appointment and make you reschedule it though. If I have an appointment at 1pm I leave my house at noon or a teeny bit before. My doctor is about 30 minutes away from my house and I always end up getting there way before I need to be and just end up sitting in my car until about five minutes before I need to go inside.

I'm extremely picky about being on time to things. I will usually leave about a half an hour early just to make sure I'm on time. I tend to get stopped by trains a lot (especially if I'm in a hurry) so I don't want to risk having someone waiting for me. If there's even the slightest chance that I'll be even a minute late, I'll call whomever and let them know that I'm on my way and about how far away I am.

You know what's pathetic? I read my post and yours, and I'm sitting here wondering if this stems from some sort of childhood issues. Then I realized, wait: The chronic late people are the ones with issues, right? We're okay!
Well, I left him at the side of the road once, but that is a whole 'nother story.

Ok so when BYC does a road trip, we will all remember not to annoy Terrielacy with the "are we there yet" song
Well, I left him at the side of the road once, but that is a whole 'nother story.

Ok so when BYC does a road trip, we will all remember not to annoy Terrielacy with the "are we there yet" song

Forget the song. Just the thought of all of us trapped on a bus together is scaring the heck out of me!
I'm the exact same way, except my doctor doesn't ask you to be early. If you're more than 15 minutes late they'll charge you for that appointment and make you reschedule it though. If I have an appointment at 1pm I leave my house at noon or a teeny bit before. My doctor is about 30 minutes away from my house and I always end up getting there way before I need to be and just end up sitting in my car until about five minutes before I need to go inside.

I'm extremely picky about being on time to things. I will usually leave about a half an hour early just to make sure I'm on time. I tend to get stopped by trains a lot (especially if I'm in a hurry) so I don't want to risk having someone waiting for me. If there's even the slightest chance that I'll be even a minute late, I'll call whomever and let them know that I'm on my way and about how far away I am.

You know what's pathetic? I read my post and yours, and I'm sitting here wondering if this stems from some sort of childhood issues. Then I realized, wait: The chronic late people are the ones with issues, right? We're okay!

on my own I'm an early person too. It is when I have to wrangle other people out the door that I get behind schedule.

I lie and tell people that we need to be places about an hour ahead of when we really need to be there.
on my own I'm an early person too. It is when I have to wrangle other people out the door that I get behind schedule.

I lie and tell people that we need to be places about an hour ahead of when we really need to be there.

I do too! I posted about that earlier about a friend who was always late. Even with people on time I lie by about 15 minutes. Others version of "on time" is just not the same as mine. I like to get there, relax, adjust, whatever. I can't stand scrambling in someplace late with my hair messy and out of breath!

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