Cinnamon Rolls - It's what's for breakfast!

I would lightly grease the pan...........

They all look sooooooooooooo good
Ok, they are in the oven now. Time to make the sauce.

If anybody is wondering how I can keep coming back here while baking it's because my computer is located on the bar between my kitchen and dining room.
Jared.. I've made these and they're wonderful! I made them 2 weeks ago and did it with the entire recipe LOL - made about 30 rolls - kids and DH gobbled them up!


Miss P - yours look DEELISH! Now you're making me want to make more!
Ok, I'll upload the pics. I think I didn't set them close enough together so they all had "tails" and the tails dried out a bit. I'm not sure if I was able to let them rise right either. At any rate, my 4 yo and I are eating them now.

Also, I had a hard time with the icing. I'm not good at guessing how much. I do better with measurements.

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