Cinnamon Rolls - It's what's for breakfast!

Plain icing is 2 cups confectioners sugar, 2 tbsp milk and a drop of vanilla or other flavoring.

The Sugar can sometimes be super stiff so only add 1/2 tsp of liquid at a time if you need more. It should be thick like elmer's school glue.

Is this 1/2 of the whitebread recipe from Stacey?
It's the whole recipe she posted. (gumpsgirl, right?)

I don't think I had 2 cups of icing to begin with, but that wasn't near as bad as how the rolls turned out in general. They don't taste too bad. Next time I'll roll the roll tighter and put them closer together on the tin. I spaced them too far I think.
Her recipe makes 2 whole loaves of bread.

It doesn't look like you have that much there on the baking tray.

What kind of flour did you use?

The recipe should have made one to one and a half 9 x 13 pans of cinnamon rolls.
When the dough rises the first time -

Punch it down.

Cut it into 2 pieces.

Roll each piece out into a long wide rectangle - at least 12inches x 8 inches.

Put on the butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, etc.

Roll it up tight. Cut into 1/2 inch rounds.

Put them on your baking pan and let the dough rise again.

Then bake them.

Then top with icing while hot.
Thanks MissPrissy. I will do better next time. Practice practice practice! You know these two little boys won't complain about eating all the rejects.
Miss P can I adopt you... I know you are just the right age to be my Granddaughter I want to live next door to you and come over for coffee alllllll the time... I'll knit, quilt for your kids...babysit!!! Have you thought of adding a cooking forum on BYC...So far all your recipes look wonderful I need to start saving them and incoperate them into my menus...actually everyone on here has had wonderful recipes and giving me new incentive to cook again...after almost 50 years of cooking it gets stale and boring...If I have to peel one more potatoe
LOL You are so sweet! I sure wish some people lived closer to me!

You'll never have to worry about throwing out 'bad desserts' with boys around, Jared. LOL

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