Cinnamon Rolls - It's what's for breakfast!

I just made these very good I ate 2 and they are not small
very easy and I used all purpose flour too and forgot to add the cinnomon to the dough still very good. I bought a box of raisns a few days ago to make these and they were missing. talked to the 3 yo gd she says Ill go get them for you and comes back from living room with a box all gone but about 10 so no raisins this time.
Have u tried freezing them once u have the rolls all cut out? I bought a bunch of aluminum pans to try this with, so that I could have a bunch made up in advance.
I have not tried freezing these. I know they won't hold up long after a second rise. I would try katy's dough recipe and this filling for freezing pans of rolls. This is just a quick I need some gooey cinnamon rolls idea.
Time to revive this thread! I finally made some today- couple of oops moments- I didn't have regular milk for the icing so I used evaporated- it worked fine, but I put it on too early, the rolls were too hot. Tastes great, though! And if you have an older Kitchenaid stand mixer, check the pin that holds the motor head to the stand, it can vibrate loose.
Makes a mess when all that dough hits the walls..................

The red is from maraschino cherries- MIL did it that way, so I conformed!


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